GAA Rule Changes

Was it the year Masterson make a fuck up of epic proportions with your club man @croppy_boy?

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They should ban the back pass to the goalkeeper. That would be easily implemented and would make a massive difference

What if itā€™s a forward pass to the keeper?

sure Liverpool havenā€™t won a league since they banned the back pass in the soccer

Ok @mac you snide prick. Any pass to the goalkeeper

Oh yeah.

Graeme finished the season as Dublinā€™s 4th or 5th top scorer with no All-Ireland medal to show for it.

It was a genuine question, like if they lapis nutjob was out at halfway or something. Maybe apply it to any pass to the keeper within their own 21?

Heā€™s scored more for Dublin than that lad with 5 All Ireland medals


yep that is a big problem with that one

Jesus weā€™ve finally got a situation where goalies are starting to be fucking useful and FOD wants to put an end to it :rollseyes:

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I never thought Iā€™d see the day where youā€™re fighting the corner for goalkeepers

Iā€™m fighting the corner for more useful goalkeepers, not those hapes of shite lepping around goalposts and shouting ā€˜wide, wide!ā€™.

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Handpassing is the symptom not the problem

Would they not just make it 13 aside and leave the rest alone?


No backward handpassing in your own 65 would solve most problems

Great point. The 96 drawn final between Meath and Mayo was thoroughly enjoyable after the spate if sending off.

A lot of football pitches donā€™t have 65s

Football is the problem.

I see the kickout rule proposal has been changed to a kick from the 20m line having to cross the 45m line.

The sight of 6 forwards packing the space between 45 & 65 will generate more newspaper column inches.