GAA Rule Changes

Surprised nobody has mentioned the possible abuse of the Mark when made by a forward on or within the 20m line

If the player who makes the mark is deemed injured by the referee he (the ref) selects the nearest player to where the mark happened to take it. Ref would want eyes in the back of his head to know who was where when the Mark was made.

Also if some lump with no football in him at the edge of the square makes the catch what’s to stop him going down with a mysterious injury to let the nippy corner forward beside him, who also happens to be the regular free taker, taking it.

Sin bin is badly needed but the rest of them have gaping holes.

Need at least two refs to implement these. Why not give what are currently linesman a third of the field, ie inside each 40, why have an official just basically to decide who touched a ball last before going out. They can do it equally as well from the other angle.

The biggest gripe, time-wasting with a continuous clock ignored yet again.

Exactly. How many line balls is there compared to other episodes of foul play. Its ridiculous

The handpass, sinbin and mark are all well worth a look. Not sure the kick out one has been thought through properly. On tje positive side the principle of getting teams to continuously reset should make blanket defences more difficult to implement. However the space between both 45s is roughly 50m by 80m. That’s an awful lot of space for 4 players. Cluxton will keep playing till he is 50 if this is implemented.

All these rules are fine for matches in Croke Park but 90% of fields wouldnt have proper lines marked on them. Our club has no 45 lines

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Maybe ye should use jp’s money to buy a couple.


The handpass rule will make it worse

They want to outlaw this goal

Or this one.

[quote="myboyblue, post:168, topic:

But that goal or Red Barry’s goal would probably not be scored in 2018 because there would be 13 defenders in and around the D blocking the way. The game has evolved into a boring spectacle. These sort of innovations deserve a proper chance.


The one big rule they have totally over looked and one that would really work well is getting rid of Gaelic Football.


lads give out yards that there is too much handpassing. Gaa implement rules to limit handpassing.

lads lament the loss of the beautiful handpass.


The blanket defence is around for longer than eight years. 2011 was the first year of proper outcry following the introduction of the McGuinness-led Donegal tactics.

True, but there were also a share of really high quality entertaining games up until this year. Dublin, Mayo and Kerry between them have played a fair few classics against each other between 2011 and 2017. This year was beyond septic though. Some rule changes are needed. Whether these are the correct ones remain to be seen but they are worth a go.

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Just a bad year. It’s lazy blaming the hand pass. It would work grand with the other changes.

They’ve gone with too many changes so there’s going to be uproar no matter what happens.

The auld dinosaurs at congress will pass only one of these laws,which will then be abandoned after a few months.Rinse and repeat.

Eh, the Corofin goal was on St Patrick’s Day mate

I have absolutely no recollection of that goal.

Was that Kevin Nolan wearing #7 for Dublin? He didn’t even muster a jog as PJ Banville ran past him to create the goal.

That was Kevin. Tackling and tiring stuff like it were still optional for Dublin football teams at that stage. Great goal in fairness
