GAA Rule Changes

It’s a guaranteed shot on the goals, wind or no, with the modern sliotar alright. I think without it defenders would be playing the ball over the endline constantly so there must be some incentive to the attacking team.

Maybe move it back to the team’s own 65m line thereby making it a shot of 80 metres or so?

Its rule 4.7 - To release the ball with the hand and catch it without playing with the hurl(ey).

Its been there for at least 20 years it seems, but I dont know if it just was never enforced before and it’s only in recent years that they realised the rule is written so that you cant foot solo the ball. The most memorable fuck up of that rule was Tomas Mulcahys goal against Limerick in 92, when he diecided to use his hand to solo the ball. Imagine if we had the internet back then?

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I’ve been saying this for years. Was never the intention of the rule for it to be a guaranteed score. The only slight positive is it maybe encourages teams to go for goals more as you know that if it’s tipped behind, you should still get the point.

I thought an indirect free might be worth a go but teams almost lose possession from indirect frees so maybe the lineball on the 21 could be worth a go. Although you’d imagine if that rule was changed, it would become a guaranteed score in a couple of years as teams would focus on it.

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Its grand when the goalie makes a save and it goes out for a 65 but when it bobbles out over like yesterday, its an awfully harsh punishment.

Its still grand. Cant have lads fucking the ball over the endline rather than trying to make a clearance.

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Bring in a corner. Lash it into the box

Make the 65 indirect?

Something like they do in field hockey

Just move the sliotar back behind the 65 like they do with the 21s like I suggested in the other thread.

Move it to the far 65

put a board up along the end line and prevent it from going wide altogether

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Like paddel.

Could be on to something.

Round in the corners like Ice Hockey

A free puck at goal, even from the other 65, is still too punitive. Would prefer a general knowledge angle like in Bullseye whereby a non-playing squad member has to correctly answer a question to unlock the shot at goal.


Make it be taken off the ground.

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With the wrong end of the hurl.

In this day and age, why do umpires still wear shirt and ties?

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To look smart for de tele

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They come directly from mass

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What is the rule when a free kick does not travel 13m to a team mate before he plays the ball?

Also, what is the rule when a kick out only travels 5m to a lad that doesn’t move.

I cannae get satisfaction from the GAA rulebook.

rule 4.11 - but the ball doesnt have to travel 13m, the player has to be more than 13m away when the kick is taken. So like what some do in sidelines in hurling, its not a foul to tap the ball, and someone then comes in and take the ball up. The ball doesnt have to travel, but the players starting position has to be 13m away. The penalty if they are not 13m away is a free to the opponents.

rule 4.29 - Throw in on the 20m line in the D