Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

To be fair, there’s a more practical approach in place from the Blue Wave crowd this year. I think @Spidey and @TheUlteriorMotive are sharing the same doctor for the pre-fĂ©ile EPO trip out to Malaga

Fuck, cutbacks everywhere

I suppose I’m being naive here but if it suits the lads that are playing the games then it’s probably a reasonable starting point.

On a separate note, the absence of inter county games has had zero impact impact in the underage groups in our place. The club has literally never been busier. Winning fuck all but playing away.


Ballymun left plenty for both clubs out there.

At least I think it was EPO


It’s a grand oul’ day for an All-Ireland hurling final, so it is.

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That’s nothing to do with a split season


This would be a grand weekend for an All Ireland football final. Cc @Cheasty

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The air is very September-like.


Declan Bogue with a really poor article in the examiner this morning about the split season and the ‘exodus’ to America.

Oh wow. I didn’t click the link from the tweet.

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5 years ago today since the greatest September Sunday of them all


5 years ago since found hacked up in the arc the day after the replay

That’s 6 years ago now.

Another epic. The day/night element really added to that one.

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Today really is a grand oul’ day for an All-Ireland football final. The September sky is a big one, like in the Kate Bush song, with vapour trails from planes everywhere.

When I went down to the off licence for a bottle of wine around half nine last night I thought to myself “jaysus it’s a grand oul’ night for an Up For The Match”. I still haven’t opened the bottle of wine.

September 18th is a fabled date for All-Ireland football finals. Strangely enough whenever the All-Ireland football final has been on September 18th, the fabled September air hasn’t materialised. 1983 was wind and rain. 1988 was glum and overcast. 1994 was an unremitting downpour. 2011 was glum and overcast. 2016 was a grand soft day, as they say. In 2005, when the final was on the 25th not the 18th, the 18th did produce the fabled September air. And again today.

In a parallel world I’d be coming over the brow of the hill at top of Dorset Street right around now. The vista would stretch out all the way down to the railway bridge in Drumcondra, the one between McGraths and Quinn’s. The crowds would be starting to gather outside the Big Tree, lads would be opening their first cans of lager or cider beside the canal. A very light smattering of crisp, dry, fallen leaves would be gently lazing on the ground opposite the Hogan Stand pub. The fumes from the burgers they fry the bejaysus out of in the alleyway beside the Red Parrott would be wafting down the alleyway and over pedestrians as they navigate the humpback Binn’s bridge.

In my earphones I’d be listening to the latter stages of Des Cahill’s scene setting discussion with Brendan O’Connor on the radio, and working out where to go for the two pre-match pints before getting in for most of the second half of the minor match.

I would not feel rushed, but in the mood to let the day expand into itself.

An All-Ireland football final the day before the Queen’s funeral. Next time the Queen dies, perhaps.


Move on with your life


The finals will be moved to August but the days of September All Ireland’s are well over.


It’s just utterly Awful isn’t it.

Declan hannons club campaign was basically six weeks long.

The disconnect between the clubs and the inter county players is going to become absolutely huge.

I’d say Dec will enjoy his break now

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