Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

The standard is poor atm imo. An average Cork side got an All Ireland final last year. As a spectacle hurling has a problem now. Raw power and S+C are beginning to trump skill and individual moments of brilliance.

But that’s a discussion for another day.

If you had rounds in April and May you are effecting a lot more student’s college exams than which is currently happening. Having a 3 month gap in the middle of championship is just a hilarious suggestion

What’s hilarious about it? Dublin championships have had nearly six month gaps.

And thats what we should be aiming for? Why don’t we play the full intercounty championship down to the semi finals up to June, then let the club seasons start and then come back in August and play the All Ireland semis and finals?

What is it that the club players are aiming for?

Why not just start the club championships in late September, so?

Exactly what we got. A split season, everybody’s happy bar the fictional 12 lads going travelling from a Waterford intermediate club.

Mainly lack of daylight and the state of pitches I’d imagine. As I’ve said many times I’d have no issue with delaying the championships by a few weeks to have the All Irelands in August.

Lack of daylight? The state of pitches? In September and October? Seriously?

The perfect is the enemy of the good is coming more and more to mind here.

A mythical “perfect” solution, which ends up having a load of unintended consequences and ends up being shit.

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Huh? Games will be played in September and October anyway. Also your point was that the club championships could start in late September. This would mean playing games into November and December.

This is a very good compromise, not perfect of course but not far off

Not sure. It seems daft to miss playing on the best days of the year but there’s lots of holiday homes to be visited it seems.

On the other side of it it’s easier to get Glastonbury tickets than get a CĂșl camp place

It was you made the point about that being problematic, not me.

I have no problem with playing games into November/December. This has always happened. And still will even under this new system.

It’s not because you downgrade your showpiece competitions.

This is a crazy thing to do.

We’ll see. I think it will make minimal difference and the vast majority of GAA members will be much happier.

Stupid round robins will have a much worse impact on the popularity of the GAA championships than the date of the All Ireland finals being different.

They must have had savage U20 and minor teams in recent years. A great crop of young lads coming.



I think round robins are stupid. Especially in club. Nobody attends them.

Again, the popularity of your showpiece competitions depends on the whole population of Ireland. If you want big attendances, you have to appeal to the mass public. Otherwise you’ll have 31k turning up at All-Ireland semi-finals again.

The importance of packing out Croke Park in the prime months of August and September cannot be overstated, both for money purposes and for publicity purposes.

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An utterly insular attitude. It’s attitudes like that that will end up destroying the GAA.

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Would there be anything to be said for a motion at Congress that changes to rules, structures and formats can only be voted on every 10 years? Is there any other sport that changes rules so frequently (and usually in a reactionary fashion because some half wit on the Sunday game gets excited after his county get knocked out).

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The NFL are constantly at it.

It’s here now, so we’ll see how it goes. The split season is the way to go but my own personal view is timing of seasons could be better. I have two big concerns as you say;

  1. Pressure on third level inter-county players with bulk of season now clashing with end of year college exams from mid April to mid May.

  2. Heavy lifting in club season across prime holiday season of July and August.

Considerations of more fair weather supporters like Rory playing in the final round of the Open the same day as an All Ireland Final or a piss up the day after a wedding clashing with your county appearing in an All Ireland semi final for the first time in years shouldn’t come into play.

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There isn’t another sport in the world where they constantly are dicking around with the rules and structure than GAA

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It’s not a very good idea to make mistakes and then lock yourself into them.

But not bringing in shit ideas in the first place would be the best idea.

GAA Congresses have increasingly become a sort of one stop shop for the GAA’s equivalent of the “I do my own research” types.

This is why we have abominations like the “attacking mark” and the black card.