Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

No way would there have been a Minor All Ireland Semi Final on at a graveyard slot like 1pm on a Saturday back in the pre Split Season days.

It’s only an U17 game.

This defo happened the Dublin minor hurling team when they won Leinster for the first time in donkey’s years, 2005 I think. I’m sure the semi-final against Limerick was fixed for something like 12:45pm on a Saturday in Nowlan Park.

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All Ireland minor Semi’s were always on as the curtain raiser to Senior semi finals?

Usually yes but there was definitely some fuck acting with the schedule around then, probably related to the Tommy Murphy Cup.

The Wikipedia page for that year’s All-Ireland Minor hurling says The two semis were on August 13th and 20th, which were Saturdays. The 20th was the Dublin v Limerick one.

The two senior hurling semi-finals that year were Cork v Clare on August 14th and Galway v Kilkenny on August 21st. I’ve no idea what the curtain raisers to those were.

The Tommy Murphy Cup final between Tipperary and Wexford was the curtain raiser to the Tyrone v Armagh football semi-final on September 4th.

I definitely recall there was a Tommy Murphy Cup semi-final (Clare v Antrim or something like that) broadcast live on RTE before the drawn Mayo v Fermanagh football semi-final in 2004.

So there was definitely fuck acting with the schedule going on.

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No, split season was the reason. You are against it, dont be defending it now

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Huh? How am I defending the split season?

Peddlers is blaming the split season on the fixtures now and said it wouldnt happen before. It very clearly did, and the split season has nothing to do with silly scheduling and stupid formats.

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They saw the error of their ways in the 2000’s and quickly rectified things.

A 1pm throw in on a Saturday is not befitting of an All Ireland minor semi final but thanks to the split season nobody cares anymore and games are shoehorned in to graveyard slots as a box ticking exercise.

Its very sad.

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It’s an U17 game mate

But nobody has said stupid scheduling and silly formats never existed previously, they did. But before, when something was obviously stupid, there was much more of a common sense willingness to admit that mistakes were being made and to reverse them.

The GAA now have bet the farm on these new rubbish new formats and schedules. It’s like Pol Pot’s Year Zero idea. No opposition shall be brooked.


Its like Sean Quinn buying all those Anglo Shares that time.

Kerry v Mayo today and nobody knows, nobody cares.

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It’s like when a political party goes mad and decides to completely alienate the floating vote it needs to win an election.

It’s like when the Tories went full nasty party after 1997 or the Republicans under Trump. Or the most fanatical Corbyn supporters online.

“If you don’t like it, fuck off.”

It’s like people who defend libertarianism or communism as ideologies when both are clearly insane.

It’s like people who defend Sam Stephenson’s monstrosities in front of Christchurch, who say the problem was Stephenson’s vision was only half realised. That the problem wasn’t the inherent monstrositism of the buildings, but that only two were built, not four, and the purity of his monstrous futuristic vision was not fulfilled as he wished.

Actually I think the comparison of designing shit GAA formats to shit modern urban planning is a good one.

The old championships were like a city centre full of narrow, windy streets. Dysfunctional, chaotic, but warm and personable. The new championships are like a “plaza” in the IFSC. Modern, functional, bland, utterly soulless.


Your own county was in the final last year and you were above in Croker keeping an eye on King Henry and John Kiely. The split season has lads driven demented

Shane Bennett back in 2015 yeah. In fairness it was his last exam. Bit of a difference for the likes of Screeney on the Sunday before the Leaving. If they get injured they could be relying on a scribe and in many subjects that’s a huge impediment.

Think Bennett was only just gone 18 at the time too so he was quite young playing U21. A large cohort of U20 players would be doing their leaving by comparison.

Ah stop, worrying about nothing

It’s almost as if these things didn’t happen in the past.

U21 championships were always played during uni exams and it never seemed to be an issue. Sure don’t play if it’s a problem.

The Leinster minor hurling semi finals were normally played in and around the last weekend in May and three wasn’t a word about the leaving cert.

The leaving cert was actually hard then and only a handful did TY.


They could have played this minor match in Dr Morris Park. Is there 500 at it?

This is what the split season zealots want though.

Nobody outside of immediate family, & everybody from Offaly, goes to these U17 & U20 games.


Cyril Farrell said a few weeks ago just the parents and a few uncles were going to these games and he’s not wrong.