Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

Limerick hurlers for example. 2 games in April, 2 games in May, 1 game in June, 1 game in July. How are they burned out?

What do you think they do inbetween games?

There was two Galway players yesterday crippled from injuries and they are still playing.

They’ll be crippled too playing in an all Ireland final which is one of their biggest days. It’s an absolute scandal.

This before the club championships have even started for the players.

David Clifford looks absolutely wrecked for 18 months now.

It’s beyond bizarre what we are asking the players to do know and it’s even stranger when the crowds aren’t turning up and there is very little general interest in the majority of the games.

Lads, we may call off GAA, players are playing injured.

Stop it, this instant.

And any other sport where players aren’t 100%.

Wait, what? Players are never 100% you say?




Most of Damien Comers injury issues come from an injury he picked up in the depths of winter playing soccer as he tried to keep himself occupied.Id say he has started less than 10 intercounty games in the 2 years since.

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The split season was framed as being about “player welfare”.

Turns out that “player welfare” meant long term disability.

The split season zealots never cared about the players, to them the players are just pieces of meat.

This fella supports Abu Dhabi and it shows.

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Yep, shur injuries happen. I would say they need to look at the amount of games being played by county players though, you dont need some of them. I’d go back to Championship knock out. Thats where its at.

Correct it’s much worse than rugby particularly when you consider they aren’t paid.

Tony Kelly playing injured too.

It’s an absolute disgrace and this is apparently a benefit to the clubs.

Blaming soccer :joy:

Yet silent about the British tramp who deliberately injured him. :joy:

This fella has been slagging off the sister counties all year:

The Fun Running thread suggests injuries and niggles are just the way it is for any lad over 20.

I would still go back to knock out though. It was the best for us all.


It was. The last two weekends show that. Absolute jeopardy, win or bust is what made the GAA great.


GAA player welfare policy

It truly was. Restrict county panels to one training a week, make them start training in February, and let them off at it.

Be grand.


Numbers 16 to 34 on the Limerick panel have barely played a game. Adam English for example, barely played all year. Will be flying for Doon.

Its Doons year. I can feel it.

Why do you want the inter county players destroyed with injuries? How does it benefit the clubs ? Explain please.

Ya eight months of tiddly winks to get two good weekends with players being run into the ground.

Less is often more.

There is way too many inter county games now.

There are a lot of slow learners on this forum.

While the jury is still out as we are in a funny period post Covid but it’s becoming clear the end of dual club player is coming to an end. At senior level anyway.

Again that’s likely to impact hurling a lot more in most areas as fellas find it easier to play football / its more popular.