Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

What makes Christmas special is its once a year.

A great line.

In fairness players are selfish. They only think of themselves, not the bigger picture.
I know, I was the same when I played. The bigger picture is that hurling and gaelic football are off the national airwaves for 6 months.
Imagine if non league and junior football was prioritised at the expense of the Premier league. Just to look after the grassroots.


Shur if you asked Premier League players to schedule the season they’d probably halve the number of games but could you imagine the FA/UEFA/FIFA putting all their stock in what the players think?

The fact the players are amateurs is an ICONIC difference though.


A lot more players are unhappier with things this year than last year and I suspect the pendulum will swing further again next season.

Clubs will start to struggle to get management teams as well I reckon. The split season is a godsend to twitter coaches and the likes of Kev. Money for rope and that money is lost to a club.

Everyone has to work together. We have to cut back on inter county games and schedule things better first and foremost. You have to give a little to gain a little.

The principle is that players play and administrators administrate.

Administrators have a duty to a wide variety of groups, not just players.

Adult Players are important but so too are Juveniles, Referees, Supporters etc

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What’s the basis for your 1st sentence or just something you made up to support your argument?

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GAA is extremely unique in that the most high profile players also play at grassroots level. Seamus Coleman doesn’t play for Everton and then Killebegs when Everton’s season is over just referencing your example. Club championship isn’t being prioritised either, if you look at 2019 season the only significant change is getting rid of the April club month so just its a rearrangement really. BTW 1 of the most popular sports in the world American Football has a season that runs from early September to early February.

Talking to people

Iconic to who


Your beloved Chicken League could learn a thing or two from the GAA. Practically all team sports originated with teams representing the place they come from. Sport in its original and truest form. The GAA still has that at both club and county level (more or less). I’m sure there are lots of reasons Dundalk are facing extinction but i’d guess one of them is there is very few actual Dundalk man playing for them. If the Chicken League found a way of getting locals to play for the local teams i think it would improve things considerably.

I accept you might find this concept difficult to grasp as Shamrock Rovers have been through more homes than Dermot Bannon.

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@Arthur mentioned the amateur status being iconic

Its only iconic to back slapping GGA fans
Its not actually true as the state pays millions to gaa players every year

The recent sports council report says gga is the least diverse sport in ireland, maybe your twee insular views on locals only is one of the reasons its a closed shop to anyone who isnt white oirish and catholic

Without grassroots the Gaa is nothing.Thats what the event junkies just don’t get fella.


You’d have a wry smile when you’d hear them going on. Shur look, tis a diverse association we have.

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Why are the grassroots allowing the GAA to hold a conference for an israarms company?

So then why did you sign over the first 9 months of the season to the inter county game you idiot?

Nasty stuff here of a Friday morning.

9 months :thinking:

December to July