Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

County managers are selfish.
Club managers are selfish.
Inter-varsity scholarship administrators are selfish.
The club lobby is selfish.
The media is selfish.
Sponsors are selfish.
Premium ticket holders are selfish.
Provincial councils are selfish.
Central Council is selfish.
Celebrity kidney donators are selfish.

Ok so that’s 64 or so out of a couple of tens of thousands of members.

You’d happily pay over 100 euro to go to some rubby friendly match that is cleverly marketed to bandwagoners but complain when the showpiece occasions in the GAA calendar are 90 euro. Good wumming in fairness.

The GAA are charging in accordance with demand. I’m sure of people didn’t buy the tickets, the price would have to fall away


The Irish rugby games tend to sell out and it’s a pro sport so it’s a silly comparison.

As do All Irelands. And it’s the biggest occasion of the year in the GAA. Rubby test matches are jumped up challenge matches

It’s £100 into some of those British Race meetings.

I saw some format for the Football for 2023 and its absolute car crash stuff.

Its a super 16’s that then becomes a Super 12’s after about 48 matches.

We see selfish at club level like @endakenny whos happy to see the game die out and clubs fold because the split season suits him.

Many other posts are like him.


The building of The white elephants in cork and next Antrim is incredibly selfish.

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We’ve never had it better in the GAA

Yes if your a weirdo who enjoys the round robin games and wants to see clubs fold.

Things haven’t been better.

Unreal; when I started playing I was togging out in a rat infested lorry container. Now every pitch has good dressing rooms, ball walls, astro turfed training areas etc.


Nobody wants to see clubs fold but it happens in all sports, has happened throughout the GAA and there’s no reason to prop up failing entities

The people who are pushing for the split season and the ever increasing inter county season seem happy to see clubs fold.

You are dealing with lads who’ve never been inside the gate of a GAA club


Shurlookit, I know, but I’m a divil for educating chaps

As per usual they try and turn it personal.

This new World Cup format for 2026 actually looks like something the GAA would have dreamed up.

The principle of the championship was originally a simple one. Lose and you’re out.

But then the idea of “we’re sick of training for six months for one game” won out.

And it has led to a situation where the most bizarre, labyrinthine formats involving round robins with nobody eliminated, back doors, reverse back doors and then more round robins, all while retaining the provincial framework and incorporating tiers, are proposed and imposed.

Here is the format for the 2023 All-Ireland championships.


On the plus side of the split season, it was nice to see Brian Fenton and Brian Howard help Raheny put 6 goals past some poor misfortunes from Lusk in some Division 2 League game at a balmy St. Anne’s Park cc @Bandage during the week


Must be some feeling for their club mates to have them back in the ranks as it should be