Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

Yes, will be some difference than a rainy sept

How many rugby clubs in Munster have folded? I can’t think of any off the top of my head

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Glengar (part of Doon but in Tipperary) did: they were basically a pub team for the last 50 years. Population of prob 100.

Lattin and Aherlow joined due to depopulated area in aherlow and lack of giving a fuck in Lattin. Nothing to do with split season.

A big problem with the expansion of the GAA and all sporting organisations is not enough new clubs to cater for urbanisation. This has nothing to do with the split season.


The GAA do have a project running looking at club membership & participation stats vs CSO figures etc across the country. Getting a new club up and running and being successful is a whole other ball game though.

Bagenalstown beat Myshall by 5 so they’re out after losing 4 out of 4. The semi final slots all filled with a round to spare. Charlie Carter is involved in the Myshall set up this year.

They have been trying to do it in Portlaoise for years but it hasn’t worked.

Cork have a fathers club rule that may be used country wide going forward which would be a bit of a help.

There is nothing the GAA can do about rural depopulation, it’s prob the only thing keeping some places going split season or no split season.

Have they?

Wasn’t it on some recommendation but was never persevered with

They haven’t done a solid fucking thing to put another club in there. One tried some 20 years ago but they got no help whatsoever and died.

A few lines in a report doesn’t amount to much

Ok fair enough.

Point being made how hard it is to set up.

I believe Mouse Kavanagh is hurling for the summer over in the States along with Chris Nolan.


Something being hard shouldnt preclude it being done if it’s the right thing to do

Your dead right

How is the split season going down in Wexford? It must be a bit discombobulating that both All Ireland Champions will be crowned before the Enniscorthy Strawberry Fair.

How are Kildavin doing this year?

@Fitzy the man best placed to address all Kildavin related questions to.

The hurling is nearly finished. The football will be starting in a couple of months.

Season over for the Limerick lads. Season starting for everyone else. Long winter for the Limerick supporters.


Hurling has been sold to the dogs

Michael Meehan was lamenting that Galway being in the final didn’t happen when the schools were back. Says its a massive promotional opportunity missed out on. And says two weeks is too short a final build up. Basically there is no build up, the final is upon you almost as soon as you’ve come down from the semi-final.

I agree with him on all counts.

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