Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

They tried to tell glenshane the match was going on behind him but as a free thinker he knew better.


Nice buttā€¦ He surely works out.

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Brid is only looking mighty.

Last few weeks have been great. Loads of matches to go to and have an interest in. Football only weekends are a dose allright but on the whole i have really enjoyed it.

For most people every weekend between now and June 10th will be a football only weekend, with the possible exception of Six Nations weekends.

Thought you said you watch loads of club matches from September on?

Thought their was only 2 men and their dogs at this games?

Doesnā€™t seem to be many people there.

Seems like a big crowd. More than there would be at some intercounty league games and thatā€™s just two clubs within a county involved

The last few weeks have been great,loads of games every weekend in good weather with good dry pitches.There was a big crowd in Pallas last Sunday for a Junior B match.


Iā€™m no good at judging the size of crowds, but Iā€™d say thereā€™s about seventeen million of them out there.

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Iā€™m in favour of the split season but thereā€™s the usual spin etc that goes on these days over every issue happening too. ā€˜great to see crowds in good weather etc etcā€™. Sure these games would have been happening every single year regardless! All bar 4 countyā€™s seasons would have been long over by now.
The main benefit I think is almost an intangible thing of ā€˜breathing spaceā€™ in the public consciousness. Club is the only show in town and there should be a massive push made to increase attendances at club games, get kids going to them etc as in the main, especially with city and town clubs, crowds are pretty shite at club level. The games are local, cheap, no tickets needed. Senior players should have a bigger presence around underage teams too and this would all be part of the same thing.


To be fair kids are free into games.There was huge crowds in Clarina the last 2 weeks for our senior matches,there was also a big crowd in Pallas last Sunday evening at 7 o clock for a junior b game and Iā€™d say itā€™s the same every why.The only people that want the season lengthened again are the lads working on TV and event junkies like @Cheasty and @BruidheanChaorthainn.The players themselves both county and club are very happy with it.


Clubs need to engage the kids, they drag the parents.

Creating a bond between the adult players and the juveniles is key. In many clubs, to the kids, the adult players are on a different planet. Adult players helping out from time to time with underage squads allows them get to know the kids by name, which means a massive amount to any young chap in a club. A young chap being called by his first name off the cuff by a Senior player is the stuff of dreams for that fella.

Create that bond, and youā€™ll get kids and parents alike buying into the entire thing. Create that bond, and youā€™ll get them to the matches.


Club attendances seem to be similar to what theyā€™ve always been as far as I can see. Personally I think they could be much bigger with a bit of effort but thatā€™s from a townie perspective. Unfortunately for the gaa though if townie clubs arenā€™t the majority of players now they certainly will be in the future. Would rural clubs make an effort to get crowds to early round games or does it just happen?

You are simpleton.

Tj reid literally came out and called it out as a farce.

I want club championship may, June, July, august and September.

I want far less inter county games.

You are a simpleton.

Iā€™m desperately calling for a reduction in the inter county season and youā€™ve these freaks calling me an event junkie.

Itā€™s a little like people challenging the Catholic Church and the all powerful priests back in the day.

Ye can throw as much mud at me as ye like. I wonā€™t be stopped.

What are you going to do about it so?

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What Iā€™ve seen a bit this year is getting the under 6s/7s/8sā€¦to play at half time in a club league game. It brings parents to the senior game who normally wouldnā€™t. It exposes the young players to the seniors. Something they want to aspire to. Finally after games the seniors go over to the young team for 5/10 mins.


Stick your super eights and round robin like a good lad. The epl is back so you donā€™t even have to pretend to have interest in the
Club gaa.