GAA Turning Professional - Choco does a Breheny

Joe is a true gael capitalist.

That Gobdaw Oā€™Farrell is a pure stooge for the money men like Duffy.
Everytime he opens his mouth I cringe. Heā€™s an absolute spoofer.


John Mullane calls for inter-county managers to be paid a full wage - ā€˜Itā€™s a full-time jobā€™

Sure he had a full-time job already :thinking::thinking:

The game is on the brink of going proā€¦ I give it 5 years and it will be professional.

Professional to what end? Say a chap was called into his county panel probably as a panellist, does he jack in the day job and see how it goes? Do they have squads on various lengths of contracts? I donā€™t think the GAA is widespread enough to support full time professionalism

Stop ripping off my ideas, mate.

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We need to think about the product

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The drugs will sell themselves once we get the Dubs in the door

Lads, should we do an auld whiparound for Lee Chin?

Very unhealthy message being sent there.

An odd one alright.

Does Lee realise he plays for Wexford.

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some poor decisions being made. Lee is grand now getting the few pound from Eir and whatever other sponsors will throw a few bob at him. When he is ten years down the line and finished playing, he wont find it as easy to coin handy money and will be left fucked.

He must be an awful lazy cunt. doesnt work but still gets his mammy to make him lovely dinners. Iā€™m resisting the urge to insert a stereotypical joke here about the family restaurant.


He can always go back to being a barber. Itā€™s one of the few trades that technology wonā€™t put out of business.

Typical GGA cunt leachinā€™ money.



I see what you did there. :brendan:

He must be as thick as pigshit and sounds very immature. A basic business course is a piece of piss for someone to bluster through, let alone someone with a bit of profile who the college will hold their hand through the degree with to get them through.

Iā€™d say he is thick as two planks - I read another interview a few months back and he was going on about wanting to be a salesman and have a company car. As @Gman said, in a few years time when the hurling is over he wonā€™t have a pot to piss in unless he works in the family take away. Some of these GGA fellas have serious notions of themselves and think they are premiership players or something. Iā€™d be surprised if Chin has a Leinster medal by the time he finishes up.