GAA Turning Professional - Choco does a Breheny

What fresh madness is this?

Letā€™s do it.

No. Youā€™re in the sin bin until you come to your senses.

Interesting but I donā€™t think itā€™s workable under your proposal. I think you would probably have to come up with some kind of centralised model where Croke park would manage the contracts.

are people with usernames beginning with ā€œCā€ the only ones who can debate this with you?

but the only way it could go professional is as you say and that county teams are abolished and franchises take their place. would it get support though?

Thatā€™s only the model - Obviously a lot would have to be worked into it.

It would easily catch on with the best of the best playing on a weekly basis - You make regional franchises - pulling supporters from parts of 2/3/4 counties (East Clare/East Limerick /North Tipp - Dal Gcais Raiders. -

You mean franchises like in rugby?

No thanks.

Donā€™t be such a Breheny.

But keep the All Ireland and the county set-up but play it off over 7/8 weeks in July- mid September - It shouldnā€™t be got rid of but condensed into the end of the year as the gala competition. You need the club and county game to be strong. Use and carrot/stick approach and not hand out pro contracts until a player is over 21 or something along those lines - still gives regular service to club up to that point until contracted to a professional franchiseā€¦ lotā€™s would have to be worked out but I think itā€™s doable ā€”

You think of the top 10 counties in hurling/ football - itā€™s professional in every way currently ā€“ But A lot of young lads nowadays are not so willing to give up their free time to commit in this manner and are walking away to travel or play other sports ā€” If the avenue to go pro was there it would be completely different.

This would also help the club game which could be played all the way up throughout the summer.

so you want to keep the club and county and add in a further elite competition? Can I have a loan of your magic money tree?

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Elite players would obviously be removed from club games once they are pro, bro.

Fuck off to clarehurlers you cunt

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so you want to kill off the club game. The fancy dan fucks off to Cork and wants his big shot tournament where he can eat nachos and drink gallons of beer and fuck the club.

I think if it was to ever go professional, you would need to kill off the county structure. There is not enough money/interest in another competition.

Please God go professional.

It will destroy the GGA.

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Cant wait to see the utter prick who would take this to Congress. Which wank of a president would do it, this incoming Dublin cunt? Doubtful, but not unbelievable.

We need Joe Brolly to save the Assocation, and we need him now

The problem lies in the whole set up being structured towards 30/35 players per county presently.

You remove them then you can revamp and play your club games all summer - You need to use club (or county) as a vehicle to go pro - I still think you could play the county game off in some form but make it straight knock-out like it used to be and make it much shorterā€¦ at least until you bridge the gap and eventually a pro game could kill county off naturally.

None of it, will ever, ever happen.

But itā€™s Monday.

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Joe is a true gael capitalist.

That Gobdaw Oā€™Farrell is a pure stooge for the money men like Duffy.
Everytime he opens his mouth I cringe. Heā€™s an absolute spoofer.


John Mullane calls for inter-county managers to be paid a full wage - ā€˜Itā€™s a full-time jobā€™

Sure he had a full-time job already :thinking::thinking:

The game is on the brink of going proā€¦ I give it 5 years and it will be professional.