Galway Utd Supporters Club

Lucky got mine for the Harps game Monday :smile:

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It’s quite clever really. It should boost attendance for the 2 home matches.

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4 niiilll
Champee ooo knees!

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Fully fucking deserved. GUFC Olé Olé Olé

Onto Monday night!
Do you think they will rest lads in prep for Bohs?

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I’d say they’ll rotate a few lads for sure. Lads like McCormack have a lot of mileage on the legs this season so no harm to rest them.

Great scenes on the stream here. Gutted to have missed the trip down.

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Congratulations Galway Utd
Johnny C brings the west awake status to all


Ccfc v Galway Utd
Cup final
Written in the stars


I wanted to wait till the end of the title hunt to give him full credit so fairplay to him. He proved me wrong and I couldn’t be happier about it. He really copped on this season and I didn’t hear any bad stories related to him whereas even yours truly got a few snide remarks thrown at them last year but all forgiven now.

He has a bit of bolstering to do now before 2024 to stay up but I’d say he’ll the backing he needs. There’s a great buzz around the club I haven’t seen in nearly 20 years.


Fair dues
Yere in a great position tbf
Great support
Financially secure
I predicted that GU next season if promoted will do vv welll
Provided you buy in quality
( unlike us)
Nothing stopping ye having great ambitions for Europe within 2 years
( if not sooner)
Fans have to expect a few bad results along the way
But genuinely I saw this coming for ye as long as ye stood with him and Ollie
In the meantime bask in glory :ok_hand::ok_hand:well done
And even if titles don’t come quickly
Survive the premier
And I’m jealous ye have my man
Go Johnny C


Hopefully ye stay up and we can keep that rivalry going next season. I don’t think Waterford are up to much.

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Waterfords owner going down for 13 years will finish them


I’d love it
But tbh we don’t deserve it at this stage
Teams basically a first division one at best
Love to travel to Galway
Rivalry but no malice

Fuck em tbh
Conceited obnoxious bunch of cunts
Team and support :blush:

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Peaker Blinders wannabe bastards. One of them started causing hassle last season leaving Terryland and got a lovely box to the jaw.

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Muppets that gang
We’ve a few
Thankfully our cunts stopped travelling
But yeah w fire obnoxious whures

Some queue here for Bohs @maurice_brown

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Fantastic showing from our hungover heroes again. Coulda been 8-0.

Outstanding. I was behind a couple of HowyaBoss’ trying to get student tickets with dole cards :see_no_evil:

Will be a great occasion.