Galway v Tipp

I thought the same to be honest, he seemed to have pulled back a bit on the strike to compensate for nearly crossing the line. But in fairness to Gleeson, he had him read like a book. It was a poorly struck penalty in any case, nice height, not in the corner, struck well, but not at a ferocious pace.

Not a hard thing to guess for a goalie really, any shot taker is surely going to go to the opposite side of the goalie’s bas. But it was good.

I wonder if lads just went back to lashing it down the middle would they be more successful?
I think it’s the trying to place it that fucks them up. Also hitting it to the side allows keepers stretch for it. The best penalties were always the ones that lads put right beside the keeper/defender at kind of shoulder height on the opposite side from where they were holding the hurley because they couldn’t react to it in time.

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That’s pretty much what Callanan did.

He had been dumped on his head, Bubbles should have taken it. Actually, Callanan doesn’t have a great record on penalties in general and maybe Bubbles or Gleeson (I hear he bangs them in for the club) should have taken it anyway. That said, that’s hindsight talking, and in the mood Callanan was in yesterday I was certain he’d score it.

I agree with others that Canning botched the lift and his strike wasn’t right because of it.

When DJ took a penalty back in the day he’d aim right for the eyeline and hit it hard. Defenders/goalies would 9/10 duck out of the way


I don’t know, but I read an article around the time of the trials and in the testing they conducted prior to introducing the 1 on 1 penalty only 60% (or close to it) were scored.

Maybe. Huge focus on the 21 line but surprised the best players have not adapted and still worry about going over

If you ever stand behind a goal when a iC player is hitting a penalty - hats off to a keeper who faces that. Part of it is probably knowing they are not trying to hit you so won’t - maybe hitting at the keepers head or throat is the way to go

Ahead of the Tipp game Dowling practiced 5 of the 1v1 penalties against each of the three limerick keepers. He put one wide and scored 14. Fuck all good that does anyone I suppose, but I’d back the top penalty takers to score them. Callanan is exceptional but had never been a renowned penalty taker IMO.

Should red cards be brought in for these type of fouls? Blatant offence to prevent a definite goal scoring chance.

There’s no need for cards in hurling mate, just for football.


Hurling Penalty Trial
On October 4, the Hurling 2020 Committee, chaired by Liam Sheedy, organised a testing session at Semple Stadium in Thurles involving a number of inter-county players, either goalkeepers or expert placed ball strikers, including: Colm Callanan (Galway), Joe Canning (Galway), Shane Dowling (Limerick), Eoin Kelly (Tipperary), Patrick Kelly (Clare) and Anthony Nash (Cork).
Referee Johnny Ryan (Tipperary) supervised the session and it was recorded on video, which clocked shots at over 150km per hour.

The following variations on the penalty were trialed:

1 on 1 from the 20m line (ball can be placed outside the 20m line but cannot be struck inside 20m)
18m shot with 3 in goal (ball can be placed outside the 20m line but cannot be struck inside 18m)
1 on 2 (to be struck no closer than the 20m line)
1 on 2 with Ball in Hand (to be struck no closer than the 20m line – no free taking movement required).
The trial also included 20 metre frees from the edge of the D with 3 in goal.
A total of 114 shots were taken with the following success rates:
1 on 1 – 62%
18m shot with 3 in goal – 48%
1 on 2 - 42%
1 on 2 with Ball in Hand - 24%
20m Free from the Side with 3 in goal - 22%

Taking all the data into consideration, the Hurling 2020 Committee concluded: “While compensating for the fact that multiple inter-county goalies were in goal for some of the trials where two or three defenders were on the line, the highest rate of success was the ‘One-on-One’ shot where the placement of the ball rather than sheer power came in
to play.

Can’t be doin’ that, lad, that’s a sacar rule.

Don’t know why the black card hasn’t been brought into hurling, don’t know why the “punishment” for a black card is a substitution rather than 10 minutes in a sin bin which would be a much more suitable punishment.

Just goes to show how unreal Dowling is.

If they started hanbury on Callanan he would have been sent off after 20 minutes as the penalty challenge showed. Although Mannion was well beaten he hurled a bit of lose ball and seems very smart on the field, let’s the odd loose pull but nothing too blatant, and he did no worse than any of the subs would have. Who could you bring on? Collins can’t mark anyone, Moore probably doesn’t have the legs. The other backs were all winning their battles including keeping bonnar and bubbles invisible so a change could have ruined that. Daithi was doing a good job on hogan in the Leinster final, the moved him to put a fire out elsewhere and hogan took over and won it on his own nearly.


The most crucial moment of the game was when kelly correctly over ruled his roaster umpire for the 65


Up to the line to figure out changes but they were lucky and on another day they would be facing a barrage of criticism. Only for keeper and a bit of luck Tipp could have had five or six goals. Shades of cork and Shane O’Neill in 2013 and a manager refusing or not able to change things when faced with a player being completely over run.

callanan would have destroyed anyone yesterday. Getting a lad sent off marking him would have meant curtains.

Talking to a few Tipp lads at work today. All agreed the better team won. Indeed they stated the obvious that only for him they were fucked alltogether and would have been gone by half time

Yeah maybe and Galway won is all that matters but watching it live was calling for a change and they tried nothing. If Tipp had looked for Callanan on every ball they would have won. He was frustrated a few times when they didn’t.

Could have dropped Tannian back a bit deeper to close space in front of Callanan.

Tipp moved Callanan out to half forward line end of first half which seemed bizarre too.

have read Tannian hurled lots of ball but he looked like somebody who is not fit to me. He is either lucky or has a good hurling brain positionally but he looks like somebody who gassed after twenty minutes.

Anyway Galway won at end of day and 26 scores to 19 tells a story but Cunningham was lucky and lack of action worrying with eye now towards final