Galway v Tipp

He just looks that way, his movement is laboured but he reads the game brilliantly, he was the dominant player in the back line the last ten minutes. I just watched the last quarter again there, Padraig mannion hurled excellently during it, intercepted some great ball and cleared a lot, he couldn’t mark Callanan one on one but outside of that he hurled brilliantly. Johnny coen has got little credit but he was also outstanding. The big difference of the Cunningham era is we are now up there with kk as the best team for winning the ball in the air, where we were a joke just a few years ago, cunninghams a good guy and a great man manager but this steely edge and heads up forward play is all cloonan.

Canning got very little credit yesterday and I thought he was awesome. The last diaganal ball to pick out Maloney was class. I hope its not getting to the stage where unless he gets a cricket score hes talent is forgotton

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He’s already at that stage. So is Richie hogan, they are invariably the best players on the field (Callanan was yesterday) so have to be super human to win man of the match. I was harsh on joe but he did hit a few bad wides early and missed at least one 65 from straight enough in front if I can recall. The over the shoulder pass was slightly rash too, but he’s absolutely top class, there’s nothing he can’t do.

Yeah the ability to win ball in the air is huge. Way game is going it is becoming a pre requisite to win an all Ireland - forwards need to be very efficient and all be on song to win without that aerial ability. Lesson there for other teams is you have to compete in the air and rules mean over head pulls are gone for most part.

Thought Whelan played well yesterday - talented lad and has that first season enthusiasm of chasing everything.

Canning is immense. Missed some handy ones but it is set up for him now to have a barnstorming final - seems to have become more of a team player too.

He was always a team player, was almost too unselfish when younger but had fuck all to pass it to. Whelans impact is huge, we now have no passengers on the team, while before you were looking at glennon or James Regan and praying for miracles. I’m not saying we’re going to beat kk but its a far better set up than 2012. for an 18 year old lad whelans calmness with the ball is superb, always looks up to try and find someone and can take scores too. Two games in and hes performed in both.

Im delighted for johnny glynn too, i cant remember him catching a puck out (galway hit them all long by the way) but he chased everything. Then right in injury time with the game level tan found him with a great ball, but johnny trued to control it not catch it and it slipped through to barry who let it back to gleeson. It could have been the losing of tbe game but even after fucking up johnny put the head down and sprinted into gleeson forcing him to drive it out quick rather than find someone. Little things.


Johnny Glynn was carrying a nice big bruise on his arm today. Obviously got a serious flake at some stage. He’s a big fucker.

Will conor cooney or niall burke be options for the bench in 3 weeks?

Neither mate. Niall Burke is hurling away in Boston from what gather. Cooney is along way from match fitness.

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Will you be home for the final, pal?

I’m not sure its doable pal but im wracked by it this morning. I was home for a few weeks for a wedding in june, really for the leinster final, not sure i can afford to spend the money on flights or the time off. But if they won it im not sure id ever forgive myself, might be ten years before they get to one again. I might set up a bogus charity page online and crowd fund it.

I’m looking forward to the Final. Borrow, beg & steal, pal. The TFK jamboree won’t be the same w/o you busted some heads.

Fuck the money. Book the flights. You only ever regret not going to things like this, you never regret going. It’ll cost you 2 grand tops. You’re probably earning 100k over there. You can stay on my couch if you’re stuck.


You may regret it forever if you don’t


Niall Donohue would probably have been the long term Galway full back. The resemblance between him and Conor Whelan is unreal

Yeah, that would have probably his long term position alright.
Whelans Mum and NIalls mum would be sisters, Clare woman.

Ya. Nialls mother died young. Watched the game in Kilbeacanty yesterday, lepping around the place!

Ye have a great club up there. The new pitch is a great job.

Canning looked really strong yesterday. He turned his arse into a few Tipperary challenges and they just bounced off him in a few occasions

Don’t bother. KK will have yee bet out the gate after 15 mins.

There is massive credit due to him for bringing Cloonan in. That’s what management is about after all, delegating and recognizing you need help in certain areas.

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