Galway v Tipp

There is no need for that

I know, but Cody is still sore over that semi final in 2005 or whatever year it was. Niall whatshisnames picture will be stuck up in the Nowlan Park dressing room for the next 3 weeks

Cody has no need to be sour with Galway after 05. It was that wanker of a referee Roache who rode him who just happened to be a Tipp man

He got his revenge 11 months later anyway

That’s a bit gay isn’t it?

Revenge is multiple with Cody. We’re still suffering for 2004.

You tell me

You put it up there, what exactly are you trying to say?

For Christ sake book the flights and get home by whatever means necessary.

Imagine they win it and you are stuck in a pub or watching on the laptop alone in your gaff thousands of miles from home as all your family and friends are there celebrating. Fuck that.

Even if they get beat it’ll still be well worth making the trip home.

Got a call last night from an elderly relative of mine. Galway hurling fan who emigrated 51 years ago. Still watches all the matches and follows the league and club scene as much as ever.

He probably won’t see too many more AI finals with Galway in them. Asked by any chance could I sort tickets for the final. If I have to go grovelling to cunts like Christy Cooney, Padraic Duffy or Peter McKenna to get him sorted I’ll do it.

It’s the matches you don’t go to you regret, not the ones you attend. Irrespective of the result.


Not many of them for you dodgy to be fair :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

He needed a bit of convincing for the 21s after the dublin defeat glas!


Cost me 400 notes and a woman in 94. Was going out with a wan from Dublin. She booked a holiday in the canaries flying out the day before. Brought her to the semi v Antrim and then broke the news to her. Havent seen her since but fuck it. Dont care. Know we were beat. Still wouldnt change it. PRIORITIES DEAR BOY PRIORITIES


Missed the '92 Munster final v Cork in Cork (Tomas Mulcahy and the illegal goal) as I had a family wedding in the UK.

Never again.

If i had the money id have it booked already but its tight going over here. But miracles can happen.

Where are u chief

Vancouver pal

Oh shit if you were the other side of the border you could spin them a yarn and set up a fundraiser. The Canadians are a bit more savvy

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My old lad left my sisters wedding recpetion to go and watch a club championship u21 final that was close by. Few of us tagged along. The mother went mad but was all grand couple of hours later when we got back.


There isnt even a bookies here i could jump the counter in and rob. Any suggestions on how a lad tight for money abroad could source some. Ah, nembo kid, you can sit this one out

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Have you a yoing wan over there you could throw a lucky bag ring on and take her home to meet the Mammy for a few days