Galway v Tipp

Maybe but in light of it, there is a definite argument for a second referee. I do have a certain amount of sympathy for refs regarding situations like this. Bringing in a video ref is not the answer as the game is too fast. Surely thr umpires have to opem their fuvking eyes

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It was a strange contribution from Kelly, I was expecting some venom from him but he made it obvious he didn’t want to offer any excuse for Tipps loss.

@dodgy_keeper, the rugby comparison is because he wrapped both arms around him, like a RUGBY TACKLE. Rugby tackles are not allowed in hurling, so you would expect it to be a red card offence in hurling, but not in rugby. However, in rugby you are not allowed to turn player and land him on his head, so that tackle would have been a red card EVEN IN RUGBY.

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Limerick and Clare are way off the standard and type of hurling to. Win Limerick to win Liam Hon Galway

Few enough in general are scoring. A keeper has a good chance of saving a shot from 21 yards out unless it’s an absolutely perfect shot

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Are penalties being scored in club matches?

I still think it’s worth your while to give one away if there’s a danger of a goal as the odds seem to favour the goalie.

I never particularly fancied standing in for penalties against a top class shooter but if he had to hit it from outside the 21 I’d even give myself a decent shot at stopping it. Those few yards make a massive difference.

An intercounty player should be well capable
Of striking a ball perfectly in a one on one situation. Given the donkeys who play football now it might be forgivable for them to be lacking vast arrays of the skills but not an intercounty dead ball taker in hurling.

Unless they get it right in the corner the goalkeeper has a chance. TJ Reid is the only player I’d fully expect to score every time. I would have thought Canning would too but obviously not

Canning’s penalty was fairly pathetic. Far too lackadaisical. I would keep the rule makers out of it and let the players figure it out. If you give them time they will.

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Two bad examples at the weekend. Canning got his technique all wrong and fucked it up. Callanan was bolloxed after Hansbury tried to bury him. The players will figure this out.

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The major thing with the penalties seems to be that players are very wary of going inside the 21 and so are rather slightly hesitant when striking. Canning didn’t really unleash fully, he can smash them a lot harder.

It would nearly be worth hitting it from a yard further back and getting a far stronger connection on it. Players are placing it only a couple of yards behind the 21 so they are not giving themselves a great run up to generate power.



I reckon players are over thinking it now too and trying to be a bit too clever. Just hit it hard either high or low to your strongest side and the keeper shouldn’t be saving it.

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rugby tackling its not something youd like to see creeping into the game of hurling so its disapointing to see people defend it which is what is happening here.
had it been a kk or a tipp man or even id guess a clare man or god forbid richie mccarthy and not some young innocent farmer from galway doing it then all internet discussion guns would be directed at them and the incident would be judged for what it was…a rugby tackle, and we all know that.
if galway are going to bring this brutish element with them then the love in wont last long is my guess. im already half hoping kk beat seven shades of shit out of them but then again id be happy to see them do the same to kk.

I would like to thank Fogarty, Hogan & @corner_back for their public support over the past 24 hours. :clap:

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This is a lovely position for you to be in, you can’t lose.

Yes they were bad penalties but the facts remain that an intercounty standard goalkeeper is going to be confident in saving a shot from 21 yards out

It’s a sad indictment of the standard of modern hurling that players can’t hit the ball under the bar from 21 yards anymore.


Just whack it!

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