Gardai acting quite aggressively

But you made a statement based on it. Or in other words dissected it. But you donā€™t want anyone else too. Interesting tactic.

Tag him there if you are floundering already

Dissect the footage if you want to. In fact you can put it on a memory stick and shove it up your fucking hole for all I care.

Iā€™ll have to, you are far too stupid to take at your word

Use some lubricant. Iā€™d hate to see you tearing the hoop off yourself.

Canā€™t find it, youā€™ll have to put it up to back up your assertion, if youre man enough to stand over what you said

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Could distance and the variance between the speed of sound and the speed of light play any part in you concluding this?



Do you want to talk about your anger management, mate? :smiley:

My hypocrisy? Where have I defended FFG?

Where have you condemned their actions (or inaction) on the north?

Please post some examples before you take affront to your double standards.

We werenā€™t even discussing FFG, you brought them into it. My criticism of SF does not mean I condone current or previous Irish governmentsā€™ actions during The Troubles.

The topic of discussion was SF.

Keep up mate.

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These ā€œvolunteersā€ are the lads who shot 1 Garda dead and wounded another as sat in a car? Your concept of an Irish hero differs from mine.

Thereā€™s no need to revisit this with whataboutery, itā€™s just differing opinions.


I know that.

I was just commenting on how your double standards are very obvious. Can you show me any posts where you are critical of the number of scurrilous attempts FFG have made to cover up British state atrocities on this island or do you save your outrage for SF?

Itā€™s interesting that expecting you to have consistent standards deeply annoys you.

See previous post mate. Iā€™m sticking to the topic of discussion. If you want to go off on a tangent about something else then thatā€™s your own prerogative.

I know that.

Iā€™ve just proved the point though. Your anger is staged, you are an actor who pretends to be horrified of a killing committed by the IRA but suddenly lose your morality when it comes to the Free Stateā€™s bloody and violent past and when it comes to the FFG coverups of multiple British state sponsored terrorist atrocities on this island.

Iā€™ve made that point and you donā€™t like that being discussed but when actors like yourself want to get on your soapbox under the guise of moral superiority, it is important to show it for the cynical and opportunistic way you use something to pedal your own agenda.

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Thereā€™s about four different rows on nine different topics going on here simultaneously.


Iā€™d genuinely like to hear how you consider them heroes @Thomas_Brady ? Perhaps thereā€™s backstory there Iā€™m unaware of

When he was putting out chairs one evening Ferris winked at him


Itā€™s in the founding charter Article 7, Subset A.

There shall be entertained differing opinions irrelevant to thread title subject to a maximum of 6(six) irrational arguments in any 1(one) day.

A learned man such as yourself might read the entire charter sometime.

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Itā€™s bad enough I hooked a few idiots first time around. I reused the same line and another few idiots come steaming in :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: