Gardai acting quite aggressively

One was threatening a garda with a knife. The other was sitting in a car not threatening a garda. But the garda believed he had the woman in the car and was about to kill her.
You’re looking at two completely different profiles of crimes though. Hennessy was witnessed brutally kidnapping a woman. That puts him way more likely to be shot in my book.

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You’re slowly getting there. Both were deemed to be an immediate threat to life and so the action deemed necessary to stop that threat was taken.

And you’ve done a bit of false equivalence. One lad had violently abducted someone, disappeared, had the gardai pull out all the stops looking for him and was covered in blood when they saw him and the other fella attacked a lad in spar and went home but pulled a knife.
Different gravy altogether.

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Funny, because that’s the SF modus operandi.
Mary Lou says that members of the parachute regiment should being prosecuted for their role in Ballymurphy, etc. She wants the truth. And rightfully so.
Yet her party is unwilling to divulge the truth when it comes to the murders of Jean McConville, Paul Quinn and a host of others who were disposed of.

You can’t have your cake and eat it.


It’s not different gravy altogether. They deemed there was an immediate threat to life. ‘pulled a knife’ he showed them a breadknife from 30 feet was it? Brilliant the way you are twisting the facts to suit your hollow argument. I believe there’s a term for it. False something.

Fuck Sinn Fein and fuck you.

Them volunteers are Irish heroes.

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Did I read at the time there was a protection order against the chap from the house! Could have been nonsense. If there was though it would add another layer to the story. Too much guess work going on at the moment anyway for anyone to be speaking in absolutes. You’d hope gsoc are doing a thorough investigation anyway taking this long and they don’t try spin/cover up anything.

If you don’t go around beating the tar out of an innocent shop worker, ignore repeated Garda warnings before lunging at one with a knife you stand a good chance of not being shot.

And FFG are unwilling to part with the truth on Aidan McAnespie.

Your hypocrisy is outstanding. SF have actively sought for a truth and reconciliation approach to giving all families of all victims justice. FFG have actively failed to comply with this, in fact the report above shows the lengths they go to in order to cover up the terrorism of the British state on this island.

You pointedly inferred that I called the Gardai racist when you asked ‘Are GSOC racist too?’

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There was 6 gardai with stab vests, riot shields batons and guns. There was one mentally ill man with a bread knife. The guards shot him 6 times with a 4 second gap between the 5th and 6th shot. It seems fairly clear from the recording of the incident that the victim’s back was turned when the first shot was fired. There are lots of questions to be answered. Maybe GSOC will get the answers but they haven’t inspired confidence so far


Can you put up the recording there that led you to make this statement?

Why do you think they shot him? Racism?

So you can’t answer the question. Sound.

The recording is easily found online if you want a look. I think posting it up here and having lads dissect it like an off the ball incident on The Sunday Game would be unseemly.

I honestly don’t know why they shot him. I doubt it was racially motivated . If I was forced to guess I’d say a Garda panicked.

Ok so. No. I don’t think GSOC are racist.

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I would say that’s exactly it. I highly doubt the race of the man wielding the machete mattered.


You’re the one that brought the recording up and made a statement based on it, but now would rather that wasn’t actually examined. Fair enough.

And again based on this, which you don’t want looked at, you said it was definitely an unnecessary taking of life.

It wasn’t a machete.

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I know very little about knives.

My point as it could well have been handled poorly (I’ve no idea). Maybe the poor lad who died could still have been alive had other avenues been explored. But I highly, highly doubt there was a racial aspect to it.

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I’ve no problem with anyone examining the footage. I just don’t think this is a suitable forum to dissect it. Also it could easily lead to you getting put on the bold step again.