Gardai acting quite aggressively

Better save this one. Very little of the facts known yet, you are a proven moron who jumps two feet in with whatever shite twitter tells you to believe, so could well be a learning opportunity for you here again I feel.

I’d say they are getting assaulted because their husbands are scumbags.


No it’s the guards fault. It’s also the guards fault for lads bating the heads off each other on the streets and not being there to stop it.

This will drive some people wild

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Time to do social media videos but no time to do their jobs.

The Free State Public services are an absolute joke.


This is quite something coming from a window licking racist like yourself who pulled a photo of a lad with a slashed face off Twitter and claimed George Nzchenko was the perpetrator. Turns out it was a 10 year old photo of a victim of football hooliganism. Looks like that 'learning opportunity ’ passed you by.


The Gardai don’t man the 999 line do they?

I deleted that immediately, yet you defended that filthy skanger Claire Daly for years and claimed it was a bogus arrest.

And as for that incident read up a bit. You made a claim based on the video that he was shot in the back, but refused to back up your brain-dead claim when challenged. Cowardly and stupid. What a combo.

No no let him dig himself in further

So you jumped in with both feet and believed whatever shite Twitter fed you. Good man.

And corrected it immediately. You run away when asked to defend your bullshit. Cowardly skanger.

dripping with misogyny

CC @glasagusban

i also note no condemnation of the cowardly and, in some cases, illegal activities of AGS in the aftermath of the arrest

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What illegal actions were they. I’m looking forward to seeing your proof too.

Nothing misogynistic about the term filthy skanger. You try very hard to appear smart but are a dull as dishwater. No wonder blackhall wouldn’t have you.

illegal actions included the access of the pulse record (Section 22 Data Protection Act 1988)
disclosing information to the press about an ongoing investigation (Section 62 Garda Act 2005)

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cheeky little additional para there, but it smacks of trying hard, and failing. must be so hard for you festering in your uncles cowshed over in galway.

So you allege. Have you the details of where they were proven in this case?

Can someone run me through this @maroonandwhite @binkybarnes @artfoley love triangle? It’s not one I’ve seen before

I knew I’d hot an nerve with the blackhall comment. That career is way above your ability

the activities were proven, just not prosecuted. are you suggesting, with all the information in the public domain, including the GSOC report that

  1. members with nothing to do with the case and not based in the station in question, accessed clare dalys pulse file
  2. that the press were informed about an ongoing investigation, prior to daly being charged?

A misogynistic racist. A real all round charmer is @maroonandwhite

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