Gardai acting quite aggressively

Ah this is brilliant, you think gsoc are in on with the guards. Because twitter told you so and Foley is leading you by the hand.

normally i’d ask if you were dropped on your head as a kid but its clear as day that your parents used your head as a basketball, didnt they?

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Bahaha no argument whatsoever bar everything that doesn’t agree with your view is part of a big conspiracy. Go shite.

Is this you slinking off?

No you can’t really follow debates, I’m asking him to formulate one outside of the unseen hand of everyone’s in it together that he’s swallowed whole.

You went running after you claimed the lad in blanch was shot in the back, and couldn’t stand over it. Feeling braver today with some back up?

ive made cohesive arguments, backed by facts and the law to support my assertions, all ive gotten back from you is the rumblings of a fuckwit

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No you haven’t, you just think you have.

You claimed there was evidence of a crime, there’s none bar gsoc saying so. And there’s so little that they didn’t prosecute it. You were bleating on in the bailey thread about ‘would that be said in open court’ but you’ve now abandoned that required standard of proof, relying solely on an unproven say so. That’s your entire argument. And as to why it wouldn’t be prosecuted by gsoc if they actually had evidence, your reply is, it’s all a big conspiracy.

But pretend that’s not the case. Good lord than fuck you never had to argue before a judge.


I’d never need back up to deal with a racist bag of wind like you. Nzchenko was shot in the back. Anyone with half a brain following the case knows it. Even GSOC.

Better keep saving these pronouncements.

You have evidence I presume

Would you think the PULSE system might not be fit for purpose if all these guards can access that information? Didn’t the CSO stop taking info from PULSE as it was so misleading I.e a finger print found on a front door of a house after a robbery was enough to be able to close the case on PULSE …
The guards is broken .you don’t have to be a genius to work out in any organisation if you retire the knowledge ,offer fcuk all training ,cut the pay and actively encourage whistleblowing you’re going to have a very demoralised organisation …some of that had to happen but all in the mix together is a disaster …you’d want your head examined to be a cop …

Loads of it

Ah that famed salt of the earth wit

PULSE hasnt been fit for purpose since it was launched. any system worth its salt in any organisation has access based on need to information with the facility to request. the fact that the most important system in the criminal justice sys

that PULSE doesnt even have that speaks volumes.

id agree with most of what youre saying there except the bit about actively encouraging whistleblowing. they nearly broke maurice

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Oh My God Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


christ but youre an awful moron.

youd be like one of those freemen morons who try to say theyre allowed keep their house in spite of not paying a shilling of the mortgage because of admiralty law, y’know

Your obviously harking back to a time the Gardai were an honest and competent police force. When was this?

I was referencing whistleblowing when i acknowledged “some of that had to happen but all in the mix together is a disaster “…

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Is this you formulating arguments again?

You are saying, seriously, that sure look at what gsoc proved, they said there was wrongdoing and I believe them.

And simultaneously, sure gsoc are tied in tight with the guards, that’s why they didn’t prosecute. They are dubious and can’t be trusted.

You have made both arguments and can’t see the hypocrisy. But keep screaming names at me. They make more sense than your braindead positions.

i never said that, i asked how many times they prosecuted. GSOC are as toothless as some of your arguments

Never pal .I get it. everything is the guards and Fine gaels fault …women are even being assaulted because of the guards …