Gardai acting quite aggressively

Well when they donā€™t have enough evidence they canā€™t prosecute, you think thatā€™s toothless. Good god.

im bored now. ive eviscerated you for too long. so consider this your defenestration

Bizarre how you think repeating something makes it true. All joking aside,you wouldnā€™t have been able to hack it in a court. You have to argue there, not much use just insisting to the judge that in your opinion you won.

the evidence was there, GSOC declined to prosecute. thems the facts whatever way you try to suggest it wasnt

Good lord what language, and nonsense, is this


Thatā€™s not an edit, thatā€™s what you typed.


Canā€™t use emojis in the court room or in real life Iā€™m afraid. Stay hiding behind the printer.



Correct. Women were ringing to report to the Gardai that they were in danger of being assaulted. The Gardai didnā€™t bother their holes responding and the women were then assaulted. Hence the aoology from the Garda Commissioner.

Yet forelock tuggers like yourself want to give the Gardai another free pass on this.

Hang on now.

Those woman would have been battered whether or not the phone was answered.

Do you think the guards magically turn up at the door 30 seconds after a phone call?

Donā€™t remove the blame from the scum bags beating the living shit out of a woman.

The phones not getting answered and those poor women feeling unhelped is a disgrace but to blame the guards for them getting beaten up is a major leap and an illogical one

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How would you know that? There were 3000 dropped calls. Iā€™m not excusing the scumbags who assaulted people. Iā€™m criticising the Gardai who are paid to protect the victims of these crimes and failed miserably to do so. Me and Drew Harris are in agreement on this


Abusive relationships arent solved by a call to the guards.

If the abuse hasnā€™t happened yet the guards canā€™t do much anyway.

The process being broken is a disgrace and more than an apology is needed.

You cannot blame the subsequent abuse on whether or not a phone was answered. It is illogical.

Iā€™m in broad agreement with you but not on that point

Outstanding, letā€™s keep this one too

The Gardai have a big racism problem.

Jaysus. The female Garda doesnā€™t seem to very good at her job.


The female Garda should be made reimburse the price of the fellaā€™s pint there.

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They need to bring the entry height requirement back.