Gardai acting quite aggressively

Short people should never be in a position of power. They’re just not able for it.


Did she borrow that voice from your woman Jacob? Imagine being married to it and having to listen to that voice. Fuck me you’d swing for her.

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What grounds had she to pour his drink over? I don’t recall them being so active or the backup arriving so fast in the video from last week when bottles and chairs were being thrown.

Cowards you can bet when there are fists flying and chairs being thrown around a garda can’t be found but some poor unfortunate gobshite says the wrong thing and you can bet they will be all there.

Shes probably one of the woke brigade. That’s all we fucking need. Woke gardai

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She also looks like she benefited from them scrapping the minimum height for entry to the Gardai.


No harm . These millennials are cocky fuckers anyway. To make it worse is that lad resisting arrest looking for his “poor me” victim moment in the sun?

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The only thing wrong here is the Gardaí didn’t produce their truncheons and proceed to leather the shite out of all and sundry.


Some footage of her training in templemore


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jesus thats an awful uniform, they look like cyclists or gurriers in hi vis tracksuits

That escalated quickly anyway.

I used to think guards had it easy. An awful.job.


Fack me who’d want to do that job🤷‍♂️

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the one pushing in and gets shoved back and screams she was punched in the face. Having to deal with that shite.


I think the tall red headed guard is a current Tipp panellist. Perhaps @peddlerscross could confirm

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He is indeed.


Honestly, the screaming self righteousness and disgusting behaviour. The tipp panelist is twice the person any of those yobs are.

Chatting to a friend in job a while back. They’ve been looking for body cams for years. Everyone can stick a mobile phone in their face


Just will never understand these people whose first thought is to whip out the phone and record stuff like that.

  • if it’s your family/friends wouldn’t you try and step in to calm it down or pull people away.

  • if you’re a passer by why stop to get involved.

Guards should 100% have body cameras. That scum bag who was shot dead by armed Gardai up in Wicklow the other year after kidnapping and killing that poor foreign lass, you’d bleeding Mary’s screaming that they should have shot him in the leg or arm and not fatally wounded him. :man_shrugging:


its been stymierd by phoenix park at every turn. theyre years behind international norms in this regard