Gardai acting quite aggressively

Costs or some other reason/s behind the reluctance?

its definitely not costs, theyve tried to fob it off on data protection issues but theres a significant reluctance from the brass, and as we’ve seen before, theyve no interest in making sure policing is done right

Do most/many other EU countries have it?

These guards seem very badly trained. How many does it take to put the cuffs on one drunken bollocks?

No one commenting on how drunk everyone appeared to be. Drink and Ireland’s drink culture is behind this and the many, many similar incidents like it on weekends.


I was going to tag you with similar sentiments 10 minutes ago mate

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Lads here who shouted for 2 years to have pubs open will try shy away from it. But we won’t let them kid.

Pubs and pub goers are a curse on this country.

a good number have them, dutch, german, belgian, french, spanish etc

Well spotted.

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Carlow scum?

Depends how many drunken bolloxes with cameras they are being surrounded and abused by.

What happened the guard first. One of the guards is leaning against the atm actually looks like he is crying at the start of it… Lot of people in that video just fucked up their life because ofn drink

I presume they sprayed the big oaf and the guard got a blast? Either that or someone called him a pig and he broke down crying.


Two units. One to clip the trouble makers and another to batter the cunts recording.

I’d say he got some blowback from the spray.


That one in the grey had an outstanding rack.

That’s badly managed really. Theres no way the bystanders should be let that close. And that cunt who had the guard in the headlock on the ground? Well past time give them all tasers and other options. With everyone on the bag getting into a wrestling match is pointless and dangerous

Appalling stuff the guards looked like they were drunk too falling round the place. The little fella who pushed yer wan completely lost his cool too. Albeit it would be very very hard to keep it in the face of absolute apes like that but that is his job at the end of the day. There was absolutely no sense the guards were in charge of that situation at any stage. What town is it ?

Kilkenny I think . Looks like they’re on a boat the way they are all swaying …

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