Gardai acting quite aggressively

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:it’s absolutely farcical stuff all round. The attempted take down of your man at the end then.

O Faolains there in Kilkenny. Was it Itchycoo Park back in the day?


It was indeed

O’Faolains is a very loose spot

Did you ever get the shift in there?

I did


I don’t doubt it.

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2 key takeaways here:

The Irish have an awful problem with the drink.

That was a shambolic display of policing from AGS.


This is what you get when we have guards who are 5 ft natin with their hands in the air. Four of them drop a small fat bastard. Need more part time farmers in the force and less townies. We’d take down a 300kg animal with little fuss.


Reminded me of shearing the sheep as a young fella, the sheep were grand apart from a few fat ones but we’d one cunt of ram that was like a small bullock. Bobbeen Flah showed me a lovely trick and from then on I’d have him knocked in 5 seconds. Bobbeen should do a session with them in Templemore.


How in the name of god could you put up with this shite every weekend. Checking Covid Certs must have been heaven.

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The GRA are the ones stopping the implementation of body cams

Grab him by the nose and twist his neck back into his body.He’ll fall like he’s been KO’d

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I’d need to do a video on it. It was a combo of a hip nudge and a leg grab on opposite side of him.


They are more or less from the same family. I think they were out after the months mind of a 17 year old girl who’d committed suicide.

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Where do you see that?

Not a baton out in sight. FFS. Out with the fuckin thing and absolutely wear it across the cunts, left right and centre. What the fuck are they teaching them in the college at all nowadays. The first lad to get a lash of the baton should be the cunt with the camera. Ask questions later.

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Do you know it’s fair embarrassing, I remember a segment on newstalk about it with a GRA guy and a civil liberties woman. The GRA guy was for em and the lady of course thought them inhumane. :weary::weary:
I really dunno how my brain works sometimes

10 seconds into the second video he wears the asp across his knee a few times but it has no effect, pepper spray not worth a shit either when lads are out of their heads on drink and drugs.