Gardai acting quite aggressively

Don’t think so. They can input a reg and get the lowdown on the vehicle on this app for the last couple of years I think. @Raylan might be better to give us the four one one.

That cunt of an average speed camera thing is active between Nayna and Birdhill now. The first in paddy land. They’ve had that in tanville for donkeys years.

Where Tipperary leads, unfortunately in this instance, Ireland follows.

They’d bet better employed installing a harsh weather warning sign on that ill designed stretch of motorway.

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About time they forced you fuckers to stay in Tipp

Oh we can still get out you Strawberry picking cunt. Just at slower rate of knots.

They’ve had that in the Dublin port tunnel for at least 5 years. Thought there was one in the Limerick one as well but could be wrong there.

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If this is true this could be one for the very few times I’ve been proven wrong on the dowl tinternet.
I may have to delete my account as a consequence.
This, is, serious.

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It’s true.

It’s with a heavy heart that I will now google this for confirmation. I will revert back shortly with my findings.

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Terrible news lads.
It’s confirmed.

@rocko, @bandage and whichever other cunt is a mod please delete my account.


Sorry I miss tagged @rocko in the previous post there.

Have you heard? :cry:

I’m not sure the one in the port tunnel is always active. It also seems to rely on a van at one end , so not a true average speed camera.
The ones in tanland tend to be fairly sensible and only ping if you’re well over the limit. Sensible really.

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The one in Tipp is the first on a motorway.

There isn’t one in Limerick tunnel as far as I know.

that still hasnt been turned on yet has it?

It has according to @TheBird but the veracity of his statements on here are being brought into question (by himself) at the moment.

That’s not what the van at the north side of the tunnel is for.

Is it not?
I’ve never seen average speed cameras in the tunnel then. Are they an urban legend?

they have warnings about them everywhere

I know, but there are heaps of places in the UK with warnings and no cameras.

Cager alert

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