Gardai acting quite aggressively

Why would you chance it though. Itā€™s a five minute stretch of road. In fact why would you chance any speed limit now? 3 points on your licence for 3 years is no joke


Iā€™ve slowed down a lot in recent times. Mainly due to getting points and also, as you say, realising the folly of it.

Yesterday though I was coming from the west up the M6.I find driving on constant lengths of motorway challenging in terms of sticking to the limits. You just want to get home.

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You get infuriated easily then by people staying in the overtaking lane/s. Tormented driving back from West cork to Dublin yday, not far off 4 hours, a lot of which could be attributed to two cars side by side on dual carriageways.

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I just pop on the cruise control and listen to music. The way the roads are gone now I can time the trip up and down more or less to the minute unless there is an accident. Iā€™m over a year without points now. Itā€™s great.

Its a speed limit not a speed target mate


I am up and down the motorways the whole time, only around 5% of them cameras are working, probably every less. Havenā€™t got done for speeding in 10 years. I tip away at around 75-80. Yellow box infractions and bus lane infringements are a different storeyā€¦I am north of Ā£400 already this year


Cunts who sit in yellow boxes should be put off the road.

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You wouldnā€™t. Its not safe going fast in there anyway. Iā€™m fighting for that tipp fuckersā€™ elife here, not that heā€™ll thank me for it.

What do you set the cruise control at on the motorway?

120 kph.

I donā€™t find I can ever do that as youā€™re forever having to slow down.
(This on the Galway road)

I have the adaptive cruise control. The car slows down itself then you pull out into the right lane the car gets back to 120, pass the slower car and pull in again.


Ah right. Thatā€™d be right handy.

Game changer. Standard on most cars now.

Our next car will be (apart from a 0.9 litre for bucko), an electric. Iā€™m not sure whether thereā€™s one which would have the legs for a manc-galway trip though. Will see.

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Electric Cars - Charging points (

charge it on the boat flatty

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Thatā€™ll be the plan alright, but as far as I can see, thereā€™s only two charging points

Ulysses ā€“ 6 Recharging points available onboard - power output is 7k

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Weā€™ve been Stena the last few times, as the times suit slightly better, but Irish ferries just as handy really

for some reason, ive always been more partial to irish ferries than stena. possibly still pissed that stena took the HSS out of service meaning that instead of a 5 minute walk to the boat from the house ive now to go to the hell that is dublin port

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