Gardai acting quite aggressively

Dublin port is grand, once you’re not starting out from dun laoighre

its not as bad as holyhead, fishguard or pembroke

Nothing wrong with Holyhead port. Sure you’re only in it twenty mins in a car.

Cruise control is a game changer. Anyone with cruise control getting caught speeding on a motorway/dual carraigeway is an eejit

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The proposed 30 km/h limit between the canals in Dublin will be some craic for points.

There is a fast charger at the garage in the port

Honestly I couldn’t be at that. We always get the early ferry. On the boat would work though.

It’s the business feels like you’re on autopilot

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Monday , April 25 is kickoff

Tourist cameras as they’re known on the mainland. Beware vans parked shortly thereafter. That’s a trick the peelers are fond of here.

A positive move.

Very good move. The more gardai visibility the better in and around the city centre.


His belt is a bit crooked…

Mudder of gawd :roll_eyes:

Maybe they cant get recruits to the guards as the pay and conditions are shocking. Or the courts are giving put farcical sentences so the guards are basically babysitting people with couple hundred convictions.

But hey some people who want to be guards are so unfot they cant pass a basic fitness test. Its unfair that their life choices have put them in a position that they cannot become a guard

A force of unfit midgets.

Surely the start of a bleed test?

EDIT - Oh jesus it gets worse. Nevermind.