Gardai acting quite aggressively

Ooooft the pussy has no answer for that one

What you posted doesn’t make any literal sense & I can’t figure out what the attempted point is. So, no.

You’re a fat lonely unvetted fascist who deals in hate to make up for the poverty of your own pitiful existence. In short, fuck off you racist cunt.


All joking aside, I’d bate you with one hand tied behind my back you fucking soft cunt. Pitiful? I’m happy with my lot, in with a good gaa club, happy relationship, doing what I want. You spend your time talking about a scottish soccer team online, and have no idea how to talk to men in the real world. (remember that time you wanted to be a sports ceo when Shane Lowry softened your cough)

You took up running pointlessly around a park to try keep desperate grasp of a woman who took pity on you and saw you as an easy target. :joy:

If you’ve any evidence of racism fire it up, otherwise shut your mouth, pussy, or if you want I’ll shut it for you.


You’ll do absolutely nothing you fucking disgusting piece of racist shit. A good thing foreign GGA clubs do is take in strays from the old sod, but I’m not sure how good their vetting is. You might be happy enough but they’re probably unaware there’s a fat, hateful, fascist mixing in their ranks. Go picket a library, you despicable cunt.


See you can mouth off, pussy, because im not in Ireland. But you wouldn’t do it in a pub in front of me (not that you’d know what to do in a pub you harmless loser) because you couldn’t back it up. So chirp away your bullshit there thinking you’re safe. You will answer for it. Know that.

Spare me your threats, you fat Nazi cunt.

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Aww getting quieter every post. Pussy.

At it early this morning lads fair play

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Is @Bandage posting from The Windjammer?


I’m not going to give a full day of it, like the new year’s eve you devoted on here to pedalling your racism. Deep down you know what you are…a hateful Nazi cunt.


Are you coming home?

But I’m not and you’ve no evidence of it, bar pathetically repeating it. I work with lads and drink with lads from all over the world.

But everything I’ve said about you… Bang on the money… And you know it.

Not unless Joe canning has a change of heart

He won’t transfer to monaleen chief.

We’ll agree to differ. Enjoy what remains of your night, mate.

Go fuck yourself

Should be the all Ireland hurling final. Would help lads mentally if it was on.
