Gardai acting quite aggressively


The 12 hour shifts were brought in for covid though. Covid is long over and they need to change back. Gardai rejected a new system and also have rejected a return to what they had before. I can see why theyā€™d prefer the current system but refusing any change back from it seems unreasonable.

Is there a significant financial gulf between the two systems? Or whatā€™s the reason he wants to revert?

Nurses and Guards rosters seem set up to suit the employee and not the service user


4 days off is not compatible with the speedy investigation of crime.

Our old building had a cctv which picked up a fair few incidents over the years, so I got familiar with dealing with the guards looking for footage. Would often be a week in between them requesting the footage and then being back at work and calling in to collect it.

Theyā€™ll have 4 days off in a row regardless of the roster

Imagine itā€™s organisational rather than financial.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of it, surely Drew Harris is a lame duck now? Hard to come back from this

But the Garda bodies wonā€™t agree on any roster it seems. Itā€™s not reasonable to insist on keeping the pandemic roster. Surely thereā€™s a middle ground?

Harris hasnā€™t any interest in negotiating either. His fallback position is this roster (that he said himself last year wouldnā€™t work) and has been shown by the report in that article to be of no benefit. Imo, he wants to split the rank and file onto different rosters to dilute their negotiating power

Thatā€™s nonsense heā€™s asked the organisations to come to the WRC to negotiate a number of times.

He wanted to skip straight there rather than engage with the rep bodies in any meaningful way. Heā€™s been led back to the table by the nose now

Iā€™m sure I read or heard that theyā€™ve had many many days of negotiations with no agreement in sight. So itā€™s not skipping to the WRC, thatā€™s the natural next step. Why would the associationā€™s refuse to go there, itā€™s the proper place for industrial disputes or negotiations to go to?

Who he sent, what he was authorised to negotiate and where that fella is now probably isnā€™t in what you seen or heard. If you want to entirely swallow the management line Iā€™ll hardly change your mind

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Fair enough. I only see whatā€™s reported from the outside looking in. But talks arenā€™t going anywhere and there doesnā€™t appear to be an openness to constructive talks so why not just go to the WRC. Seems unreasonable to me.

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That useless bint McEntee needs to actually do something for once and scruff Harris telling him keep the roster as it is, they have a cunt of a job why antagonise them if they are clearly content with the current roster.

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Sure in that case the whole teaching profession could decide they liked working from home during the pandemic and they want to keep doing it.

Easy for you to pontificate with your cushty number that isnā€™t even worth a fuck.

Fair and relevant point well made, good job mate.