Gardai acting quite aggressively

Indeed, God forbid you would argue against lads working 12hr night shifts dealing with scum while you are tucked up with your blankie and water bottle.


Dispanding drugs units across the country os a massive red flag that they are forcing these through. Completely backwards

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That doesn’t even make sense. Two of my best mates are gardai, I have the greatest respect for their job. But they can’t just decide the pandemic rosters suit them so they’re keeping them, the pandemic is over. If they don’t want to go back to the old system then go to the WRC and negotiate a new system.

The vibe I’m getting off my Garda mates is that they don’t believe Harris is negotiating in good faith and has a wider agenda here.

It’s also in the context of morale being very low in the force and numbers dwindling when they actually need a major increase.

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Yeah they very much have that view. But the associations aren’t negotiating in good faith either. The obvious place to go is the WRC but they won’t go there. I have sympathy for them but they can’t just unilaterally decide to keep conditions that were only there for the pandemic, no more than any other group of workers can.

What are the pandemic conditions and what is drew looking for them to change to?

Four 12 hour days followed by four days off and he wants to change them back to what they had before the pandemic.

Very unusual for @glasagusban to take the anti worker pro Government side.

Would it be anything to do with the fact that he is in love with McEntee and she can’t do any wrong in his eyes?


[quote=“Batigol, post:2488, topic:19244”]
they don’t believe Harris is negotiating in good faith and has a wider agenda here.
Have your mates any idea what this is?

They’ve guards suspended from duty for 3+ years while they “investigate” them over cancelling a couple of speeding tickets.

homer simpson laughing GIF

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This seems like overkill for a Garda trying to in help out an auld lad. Is there more to it?

Reads like they had it out for him in perhaps other issues and used the bike as an excuse to break his balls.

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I didn’t get that impression at all where did you get it

From the article:

The elderly man needed a bicycle to get to the shops, it is understood.

He spoke to the garda about this.

The officer decided to give him an unclaimed bike recovered by gardaí “some time previously” as no one had come forward to claim it.

​The garda officer was suspended immediately after his home was raided by the NBCI, which was conducted in front of his wife and children.

‘Tommy, though noble, you really shouldn’t have given that bike out, not yours to give. You might get it back off him and explain’. This would have been the more likely approach you’d have thought instead of suspending him immediately?

Instead, NBCI raid his house- why if the bike was at the auld lads?


And that’s why you cover your arse rather than do the right thing. Always some body or other in the public service to apply the letter of the law and ensure zero cop-on applies.

To see if any other property from the station had ended up there. A box they’d have to tick. The common sense days of just return it there tommy are long gone I’d imagine.

And did it?