Gardai acting quite aggressively

Well probably not as that might have been reported. But do you get why they had to check? Iā€™m not sure you do

I think I do pal. Itā€™s kind of where I started with this:

So you still donā€™t get it. I think this is gonna take a lot of ladybirding.

I donā€™t know what this case is about, and I donā€™t remember this lad being an MEP - must be a local Waterford thing? @Thornhill @Fagan_ODowd @Bugsy_Malone

Substitute MEP. Iā€™m guessing he filled in for that Crowley chap BELOW in Cork given the Munster location & the fact Crowley was rarely, if ever, in the European Parliament while he was a sitting MEP?

Can we stay on topic please

Your animus towards the disabled senator is noted

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Donā€™t know much about it at all. Donā€™t recognise him either.
Back in the day I was in was in the same school with a fella of the same name. I heard after he was a bit of a wannabe scut for a while.

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The GardaĆ­ Facebook page must have been update by some local gossip.

ā€œAnd as sure as be told, along it cameā€

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Replies are hilarious. Half them hoping it was a foreigner. Then when finding out itā€™s not give out about excessive force.

Hadnā€™t me man a knife?

Give that garda a medal. Fuck the medal, give him a rise


You donā€™t pay to find out


Oh aye. Hammer the Cunt

Great stuff. He let fly. :ronnyroar:

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Dead fuckin right.
If you are in public with a weapon you get whatā€™s coming to you.

Those toe rags who got the shit kicked out of them by the restaurant owners on the Dublin Bus as well. Going around wrecking businesses but ireland full crowd doing some fantastic mental gymnastics to defend them.


Ireland isnā€™t full thankfully.

Proper policing. More of that and the feral scrotes in our towns and citys wouldnt be as brazen


100%. Unfortunately that lads career is probably over.We need more lads like him in uniform.