Gardai acting quite aggressively

Heā€™s fuckrd now though
Plus big claim for Mr knife wielding cunt

What was the story there, the camera doesnā€™t give much away

He had a knife?

Is he actually, is there a news report on this?

Heā€™ll be grand lads, there was a knife there, shur everyone can see it. A commendation is on its way.

That was disgraceful. He maced him in the face, and your man was clearly incapacitated. That gard is a thug.
Genuinely the gard should be prosecuted for gbh. Thatā€™s outrageous. Maced him again then flaked him again.

Great to see RUC tactics used by the Garda !

Neutralised the scrote quickly and effectively. Well done.


Too much knife crime
Daily occurrence in a Cork City FFS
All fights now including weapons,
Yes he went OTT no doubt,
Country is fucked,
Mate 65 jumped 6 weeks ago - broken foot
No robbery
Just cunts out looking for trouble
No Garda on street - a main St in Cork City Friday night
Still out of work,

Bro of mine attempted held up at an ATM by a foreign homeless weasel with a knife ,
Cos he hadnā€™t change to give the cunt
Out comes a box cutter

AGS are really under pressure
Under staffed
Untrained in many aspects to deal with whatā€™s in front of them .
Management are to blame
McEntee blonde bimbo and RUC man Harris are playing politics in not addressing whatā€™s happening day j daily on our streets,
What that lawman did was wrong but totally out of frustration Iā€™d suggest


Did he have knife? If he still had knife and wasnā€™t complying the cop is entitled to hit him with baton until the knife isnā€™t a threat.

If there was no knife then it is excessive force.

Listen buddy, your car was upside down when we got here, and as for your Grandma she shouldnā€™t have mouthed off like that.



Fuck off with excessive force. The cunts are walking in taking what they want. Theyā€™re doing it cos thereā€™s no deterrent. A few clips of a baton and a bit of spray might go some way towards deterring the scrotes. Let them fucking have it.


The biggest issue is camera phones. If it wasnt recorded there would be no issue. Agreed on scrotes getting free reign.

You wouldnā€™t fuck with the police on the continent as youll get no sympathy.

I saw an interesting video treading by the far right last week of a young fella getting ā€˜attackedā€™ on a bus by forgieners. Turns out yourman and his gang of scrotes have been terrorising businesses for months and the business owners had enough, no support from the guards. Probably shouldnt have done what they did but could you blame them? Coming over here and setting up a business to contribute to ireland to get constant hassle from the feral locals.

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Well done to that chap, the knife wielding scum will think twice before going on his next attack or robbery.

Those GSOC pricks will want him sacked, unfortunately.

He didnā€™t have a knife in that video

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You saw both his hands?

Iā€™m willing to go with the bits of hearsay that suit my preconceived view


Yes mate he had them over his eyes after heā€™d been maced.

Maybe the staff ran out of the shop after a disagreement over the 3for2 special

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