Gardai acting quite aggressively

Unbelievable that he decided not to use the knife to wipe his eyes.

Heā€™d a knife somewhere though

The guard should genuinely be given a medalā€¦

The scrote, bold as brass, no doubt has 50 previousā€¦ Knows all his rights and no doubt is quick to voice them. Heā€™ll have no fear of the law or guards and jail, if he goes, is a holiday camp.

The bleeding heart approach to crime and criminals has created a generation of little scrotes that have no fear of the consequences.
Every fucker caught committing a crime should be leathered senseless.


Getting caught is the real crime here.

Ah flatty. The garda clearly stops battering him and shouts at him to comply. When he doesnt he goes back at him again. Multiple reports yer man had a knife. Probably why they called the gardai. He got a few clatters of a baton while robbing a shop at knifepoint for fucks sake. He hardly did a kyle hayes on him. Itā€™ll be like horse riding now where gardai get banned for one too many goes of the baton.
Meanwhile, in america theyā€™d have shot him dead.


I donā€™t have a problem with a shop lifter getting a few slaps, knife or not

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I take it youā€™ve never been near Mace.

Heā€™s more of a Circle K man.


Iā€™ve been lead to believe you can build up a tolerance to mace over time.

Thereā€™s little to no deterrent for scrotes these days.

Batter em away i say.

The stuff issued at the moment isnā€™t the magic power you seem to think it is.

Fair point. I havent. But then Iā€™m not robbing shops with a knife so i probably shouldnā€™t have experience of it.

Who hasnā€™t done a bit of shoplifting in fairness :man_shrugging:

Iā€™ve never done it

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I reckon if youā€™re a harmless aul gobshite shoplifting out of a bit of a thrill, youā€™d shit yourself at the sign of a CAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP and drop what you have, not resist and act the fuck.

Mace and clatter any little bollocks who doesnā€™t toe the line immediately.

It was reported
And there are other videos otg of incident

Enoch Burke and now this cunt, I like your contarian stance.

Hmmmm. I would class robbing a petrol station with a knife as more serious than working out how to get the starbars out of the vending machine for freeā€¦ cc @Kyle you cunt


I robbed a full box (100 packs) of Italia 90 stickers from Ivans when i was 10


I was a dinger at pocketing a few pick and mix bars in Dunnes Stores every Friday evening

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