Gardai acting quite aggressively

Whats the statute of limitations @Raylan? Throw the book at this cunt

Dunnes and SuperValu are basically buffets while you shop

Heā€™s in the clearā€¦for now :eyes:

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Of course, but that wasnā€™t what I was replying to.

I was a prolific shoplifter as a young lad, if often take a shopping list into town on a Saturday afternoon or else just go got things I knew I could sell, expensive uhlsport goalkeeper gloves were a handy one I recall.
Band posters were handy out as well, if you made a very small purchase youā€™d have the bag and you could wrap that around a poster and stroll around till you knew you werenā€™t being watched before heading out the door, anyway I was caught one day doing that outside FM in Queens old castle, absolutely shat myself that my parents would find out, they barred me and let me off, that put a stop to my gallop for a long time.

@Batigol would have beaten me to a pulp with a stick and Iā€™d have had no complaints so long as he didnā€™t tell me da :man_shrugging:

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It was the beginning of the end for Ivans. They never fully recovered.

That and the new Dunnes next door saw him off

We need an el salavador approach to petty crime

It was double deckers @Kyle :yum::drooling_face:

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What age were you doing that? Jaysus, hadnā€™t you down as a juvenile delinquent at all.

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By god youā€™ve more layers than an onion .

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More of a Robin Hood style character, Iā€™d put a pair of 25 pound gloves on your hands for 4 pound, a pack of top trumps for a pound, a slayer backpatch for a pound, the list goes on

A capitalist Robin Hood?

Robin Hood looked after himself as well didnā€™t he??

I donā€™t remember him booking a profit in the tv show anyway :man_shrugging:t2:

4 pounds a lot of money back then. By God.

Calm down Kyle

You could almost guarantee he was a bent copper as well ā€¦

Unlikely that was the side of his life he decided he would go clean in alright.

Guaranteed heā€™ll spend his entire sentence on protection, or with the paedos in Arbour Hill. Vile cunt.

I see Martin Nolan is the judge.