Gardai acting quite aggressively

Full reinstatement with a promotion thrown in.


Doyle was a garda who served in Cabra, Blanchardstown and Ronanstown

Tā€™would break most men in fairness ā€¦

Thatll be the excuse. Which hopefully gets recognized for bullshit but who knows with this liability of a Judge.

What a horrible cunt, fair play to the wife for waiving anonymity (Iā€™m guessing) and shaming him.


Heā€™ll be back stalking them on day release by Christmas

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I thought it was some sentence to give to a fella who basically terrorised his family at home with his cruelty and temper - beating up the wife and being nasty to the kids (also laying his hands on them). 100% what he did was terrible and his family did not deserve it but I was taken aback by the sentencing in this case - I know thereā€™s people who have committed seriously sick crimes including sexually abusing multiple kids (they didnā€™t mention on the news if sexual abuse occurred here) who have got much more lenient sentences. I guess him being a guard and supposed to be more of a role model theyā€™ve come down harder on him. I expected to see maybe 18 months to two years of a sentence as I was following it a small bit on the news the last few days. Iā€™m glad he got six years but there is a huge inconsistency in the way sentencing is done.

The inconsistency is absolutely enormous. Six years is about right and he should serve 4, with a warning itā€™ll be doubled if he goes near them again.
Some of the sentences are scarcely believable though.

Are you thinking of any case in particular? :face_with_peeking_eye:


Is this the case where the were shaking down foreign Deliveroo & other delivery riders? Targeting folk on low wages.

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I believe so, yeah

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Is that the same case where they raided the house in East Wall?

Youā€™re kidding. Thatā€™s the dregs of behaviour.

Itā€™s gotten a bit of publicity.

What absolute scumbags. Taking money off deliveroo riders. Itā€™s like something youā€™d see in Alabama in the early 1900s. Vultures if itā€™s true. Absolutely hateful.


Going into someoneā€™s houseā€¦ Unbelievable shit all round. Giving up jobs for the rest of their lives and good pensions to extort a small amount from vulnerable people. I hope they throw the book at them.

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They didnā€™t give up anything. They got caught.

I mean giving up the careers by losing them

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