Gardai acting quite aggressively

It wasn’t just about the money obviously.

This seems a fairly heavy sentence for something that is being reported on being small fry. What isn’t being reported on?

Some of the deliveroo lads would be delivering more than just burger and chip . I’d imagine there was a tax being charged for turning a blind eye .


What do Gardai fear more than anything? Prison. Silly girl.

70 euro worth of cannabis. If the lads found someone carrying it on O’Connell St they’d be let off. Why is she being picked on? More going on here thats not been said

It seems absurd

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Is it not a handy jail in the Curragh they go to ? It used to be .

It’s another garlic sentence that needs to be challenged. Scrotes down this way with 50 convictions have barely done six months inside

No wonder the rank and file want Harris gone

It looks harsh alright. The judge was trying to make some kind of example of her, but setting a cash bail for an appeal is an indicator she won’t be spending any time inside me.
By all accounts it wasn’t the first time stuff had gone awol in her vicinity

News said bail was 500 euro? That seemed low enough to me

Harris is on a purge and needs a few examples.

I assumed she’d be in the dochas centre but now remember there are women in Limerick prison. Didn’t know of the curragh. Do we have a special jail for gardai?

You appear to be wetting your pants with excitement. Just relax a bit buddy

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[quote=“Raylan, post:2616, topic:19244”]
she won’t be spending any time inside me.

Good man you are, you’re worth more babes xoxo

Signposting the way home

I.dont think so. A cop robbing illegal and seized goods from the police station? Texting her fella to say she robbed it for him the sap?

Definite custodial sentence in my book


She must be one of the stupidest cunts to walk the earth and I’m glad she ain’t a Garda any more.


I honestly think firing her would have been enough. It is a blatant overreaction. However, they’re clamping down on gardai currently for breaking the law. She most likely had an issue with the booze, as detailed in court.


I can’t read the article (behind the paywall).

Did she steal stuff & then accidentally mention it on the wrong WhatsApp group when she was meant to be boasting about it in another group?

Similar to the age old mistake of intending to text someone to bitch about someone else but you send “the critique” directly to the person you’re having a go at?

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