Gardai acting quite aggressively

What the fuck is @bandage on about now?

There was plenty of laughing at Barbie Kardashian but I would be surprised if that cock of hers wasn’t like the Jules Rimet down in Limerick prison.

There’s not much laughing at Barbie Kardashian given their predeliction for visiting violence on women

Look at you with your they/them/their pronouns! You’ve made daddy proud today.

She came into work, went off and got pissed, swiped seized weed out of a locker, meant to message her girlfriend about it but sent it into a work/unit group. Her sergeant goes looking for her and finds her in a heap, decides to send her home and goes to get her house/car keys, and she finds the weed in yer wan’s bag. Could happen to anyone tbf


i dont mind using pronouns, as long as theyre preferred and not mandatory. using them is only politeness

Waterfords Peter Queally had his passing out as a Garda suspended for months as a consequence of being involved in a melee in a match against Tipperary in 1996.

Different times, different commissioners.

Wow , one would have to question the selection process of AGS that affords admission and subsequent graduation to an individual of her caliber and integrity.

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As Barry Davies, I think, said
Interesting very interesting

The plot thickens further

So guard collared for bike incident was a whistleblower of other guard/s wrongdoing. Rumoured to be drugs.

The warrNt used to lift him had incorrect details used but his house still raided.

Very murky

"Run at 'em, run at 'em, RUN at 'em!

Hit him! Hell for leather and not a give a fuck about anyone!

Keep goin’ at ‘em! Keep goin’ at 'em! Keep goin at 'em!

Them cunts’ll start talkin’ to ya.

Time to stand up! Time to stand up! Time to stand up!"

This is a weird line:

Are they anti tech as feel it has less of a personal touch?

Or are they saying that a benefit to buy-in and adoption of tech is not having to deal with the community?!

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Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) Deputy General Secretary, Ronan Clogher said that the recent focus on technology implemented under Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has removed gardaí from the “bread and butter issues” of street policing and engaging with communities.

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Does that include Sky Sports subscriptions in Garda stations?


She can bunk in with Barbie.

I bet they’re not queuing up to delete the just eat app either

Here’s some tech they should be all over:

