Gardai acting quite aggressively

Might get that technology in around 150 years

Our fat lads will be looking to implement that on pedestrians as some of them are completely unfit and obese,
And now that the recruitment age is gone up to 50 Iā€™d say the days of physically chasing an offender is over

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AKA weā€™ve no cops to patrol

AGS are totally removed from communities
No way to dress it up,
Kip I live in hasnā€™t seen a garda on foot since COVID,
And if this is replicated all over the country itā€™s no wonder ppl havenā€™t any confidence in them or Harris and his RUC political solutions,
Heā€™s not a garda,never will be
Heā€™s a fox :fox_face: in the henhouse

Nasty stuff here of an Easter weekend.

Get the tag to communicate to a drone which then tracks the car and captures images of theives when abandoning the car.

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Would you meet the threshold? Any interest in being the change you want to see and joining?

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No point running after them when the justice system will give them 250 free warnings.


Worthless if the criminals can just pull over for a few seconds and remove the ā€œsticky dartā€ or am i missing something?

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Youd catch up with them thenā€¦can trail behind out sight until needing to pop them

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Iā€™m over the bar by 15 years and fitter than most I know,
Some of our cops and the UK ones are totally unfit and obese,
Looks bad,lacks public confidence and obviously wonā€™t stop any crime if youā€™re not physically comfortable,
AKA if a fat bastsrd,
Iā€™m not at all worried about what ppl think of this opinion,
Itā€™s the truth,
And to answer a part of your question,no I wouldnā€™t be a garda
Iā€™d not last

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True but the public needs to at least think AGS are actually trying to sort it

Chopper follows obviously or the little man on the monitor and they choose when n where to capture


Super Troopers Police GIF

If you had a chopper following anyway youā€™d have no need for the dart :no_good_man: :smiley:

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Obviously I meant - car gets tagged
Information relayed to GHQ
Onto air support etc etc
Car pulls away,
Necessary information gathered,
Strike when ready

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This really is a disgrace that the guard in question is facing trial.


They wonā€™t be missed,he done the state a service there.


Why would anyone ever what to be a guard