Gardai acting quite aggressively

Needs to be tackled

Is it? I couldn’t make out fuck all. There was a significant time lapse between the 3rd and 4th shots. Thats not great optics. Cant say what happened before or after to claim anything was just to unjust.

Optically though, the cop might be in trouble, regardless.

I would say the vast majority of people will be on the side of the guards here.


What caliber bullet was he shot with ?

Why does there have to be sides? It isnt a football match

He dropped on the last one


You fucking tulip :joy:

Fucking chicken shit guards. 10 of them with a few batons woukd have taken him. Sure a belt of one across the head would have sorting the fella or shoot him in the arse if no bats (but they should have had, guns are the answer) cunts

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He deserved a Garda firing squad showing up on his own doorstep so I suppose

You wouldn’t see them going into sherif st to a young white local buck and shoot him down

No I think that was a consequence of being armed and acting aggressively… If he had killed some innocent bystander you lefty headbangers would be criticizing the Guards for not acting sooner or more aggressively

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Another William Tell among us


Picking a side will have no outcome or bearing on what happened.

There are facts. Those will decide the right and wrong of it

I’d say if he cut a guards throat and killed him, you wouldn’t give a shit.


You’re doing that thing you were accusing other people of doing a while ago.

Did I call you a left wing Fanny?

This is brilliant. ‘If he did something else, way way worse, he’d deserve it…’


10 guards with bats woukd have mauling him ffs

You said he caused a lot of trouble in the area. They said George Floyd was trouble too.