Gardai acting quite aggressively

There isnt enough information out there yet. Dont jump to conclusions.

Why the fourth shot though. Bang. Bang. Bang. 5/6 seconds. Bang

Wheres the mural going up? On the side of what building in Dublin?


Do you think the lad trying to kill the guards was murdered ?

I said reports going around that he didā€¦ I never confirmed or denied.

Are you playing devils advocate or just being disingenuous?

Were all the shots from the one gun? Seems like a lot of the guards were handling the situation very professionally. Youā€™ll always have one or two Proud Boy tough guy wannabes knocking around though, just look at this thread

I dont know. There isnt enough information there to say.

The only thing that stands out from the video though is the time lapse between the 3rd and 4th shots. It just seems unusual

The guards shat their shorts and killed a young man. Theyre a joke. If he was white and a dub thereā€™d be mayham

Jesus wept.


Itā€™s hard to tell from what Iā€™ve seen pal. Itā€™s a very hazy video. Jumping to conclusions would be mental

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Without having seen any of the footage:

1 Irrelevant
2 Irrelevant
3 Could the GardaĆ­ not have backed up a small bit?

Go back to your Bob Marley vinyls like a good man.

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These situations are always tough. You see a fella armed with a knife, super aggressive and heā€™s lunging at you slashing away with the knife. If the Guards back off and he goes back into the house or even into next door and starts stabbing everyone in there then it comes back on the Guards for letting him go.

An awful situation where everyone just wants the person to put the weapon down but they wonā€™t.


Back up there lads and let yer man run amok with the machete ffs.

The Guards should have allowed him to slash one of their throats first, fuck them not like they have families to go home to they seemingly sign their lives away upon joining.


Surely a couple of the first shots were warnings shots and it seemed from the video that the young lad then went to attack another guard with a knife which could have been fatal.

I donā€™t think anyone here can come to a definitive conclusion on it. Sad for the family, obviously mental health issues at play. RIP.

Question for @Watchyourtoes, would you be logging in shouting and roaring all over the internet in favour of the GardaĆ­ shooting some guy if the victim was white?

Doubt it.

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Youā€™re not right.