Gardai acting quite aggressively

Exactly… As Roy Keane famously said…You have to ask yourself did you give the guards the chance to shoot and I think here he clearly did.

Are ye all watching a different video to me? I could see fuck all

Pity they didn’t shoot that fucker up in the Midlands earlier this year

If he was a fucking scumbag terrorising the place and wielding a knife at cops??? Bet your faggot ass I would.

Harsh bro, I didn’t do nathin


I only watched the one out up on this thread, that’s the only conclusion I got from it.

Correct. If he had killed a guard then we could all sleep easy tonight knowing they were justified in shooting a crazed lunatic brandishing a knife.

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It’s irrelevant that a lad threatening Gardai with a knife and resisting their efforts has already attacked someone else and run away from them when they tried to catch him?

This place has truly gone :banana:’s


Is anyone surprised the usual screaming Marys are defending this piece of shit??? NO.


@Mac has changed, for the worse

And save us the “mental health” spiel lads please.

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The lefty woke crowd don’t give two fucks about facts… It’s about wokeness here.

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It’s a lazy excuse cunts like you roll out.

I’m the same as I always was mate. The bleating sheep have got to you and warped your common sense.

They’re on the WUM

Couple of hundred posts here and lads making judgements based on scanty social media updates.
The country is fucked

Shut it you steamer.

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Lookit, if it keeps lads out of trouble is it a bad thing? It was either this or the possibility of Limerick GAA doping.

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