Gardai acting quite aggressively

Frighteningly they are not.

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I may need to go to the top shelf for the rest of the evening

To the use of lethal force? Yeah, it is entirely irrelevant. This isn’t America.

Worlds fucked. Making a racial issue out of a headline that avoided making it a racial issue.

It’s crazy. Lads on here defending that is a new low

Can’t believe you just doxxed yourself.

Grow up you clown. People’s lives were in danger.

But, but, he had a knife.

  1. Man attacks shopkeeper and shopkeeper has to go to hospital
  2. Gardai attempt to arrest man who runs away and resists arrest
  3. Gardai attempt to subdue man
  4. Man resists arrest further and wields knife in direction of Gardai
  5. Gardai use TASErs to try take him down and fail
  6. Man makes further attempts to attack Gardai and jumps towards a few of them with stabbing motions
  7. Gardai, now in danger, shoot man to wound him
  8. Man collapses and is brought to hospital
  9. Man dies in hospital hours later due to injuries

Yep, it’s definitely because of his skin colour alright


My thoughts and prayers are with the men and women who keep us safe, @bill and @Breaking_my_balls . A tough job lads.


Every situation of a man with a knife is the same is it?

Fuck him! Act like an animal, die like one. I hope those Gaurds are provided with the required counselling.

Feck off a young man was killed with how many cops present? And if the number of shots being mooted it’s much worse.

Do you think the gardai should have been able to subdue him

None of those are the clip I was looking for of police in the UK talking down a fella lashing out at them with a samurai sword, eventually tackling him and taking down. A quick Google shows up that there are loads of examples of police not shooting and killing people with knives.

But all the forums keyboard dirty Harry’s saying it was entirely justified.

What a load of absolute fuckwits you are.

There’s no one here celebrating his death. But turning it into a woke crusade of racism is pathetic… See @Mac’s post above about the order of events.

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Jaysus this sure is bringing out a fair few lads charactars


You think I wont find just as many stories of Police shooting dead a man brandishing a weapon at them??