Gardai acting quite aggressively

Herein lies the problem. No two situations are the same.
The gardai, as these things go, do not have a track record of shooting folk willy nilly.


Justice was already served thankfully.


Reading some of the comments on irish cesspool, alot calling the guards racist, I saw de arm the gardai which I had a good laugh at and many others saying your man had mental health issues. Do these people want the guards not to intervene if a mentally unstable person is treating to hurt a guard or another member of the public?

Do you think that makes it ok?

You stupid fuckwit.

Every scenario like this should end without someone losing their life.

Why did he continue to resist is the question Iā€™d be asking? And why is there 15 Gardai there? Itā€™s not like they just randomly picked on him. Heā€™d beaten up an innocent and defenceless man earlier.

I feel sorry for his family as a racial issue is being made of something that isnā€™t racial in my opinion. Yes there is fault at the Garda side, but not because of his skin colour. As someone said earlier, if someone came at you with a knife, would your reaction change based on their appearance?

I know rightā€¦ Youā€™d swear hundreds are shot every year. The fact they shot him speakes volumes of how threatened they must have feltā€¦ Itā€™s simply not something that happens too often here.


If this happened in America lads would be blaming trump on here

You are the one defending a lunatic going around attacking the public and attempting to stab police with a bladed weapon, think hard on that you absolute fucking plum.

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I thought you were defending the GardaĆ­, you have fairly thrown them under the bus here

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So when someone one attacks an innocent party and injures them seriously then goes around immediately after aggressively with a knife, a few on here think the guards response should be to back off. Riiiight.

The only fuckwit here is you. Do you think there was a downloadable template on how to deal with this exact situation? An department SOP perhaps that they were all trained out in? The Gardai did their best with less lethal option with a bollix intent on doing harm to them. It went sideways and he had to be shot in self defence. Skin colour had fuck all to do with it.


My faith in the guards had been restored tonight. We need more heroes like that in the force.


The elephant in the room here is the likes of @glasagusban @Lazarus and the rest wouldnā€™t give a shit if this fella was white thatā€™s the irony here, myself and the others here of sound mind would still be saying the ends justified the means. Rotten virtue signalling bastards delighted he was in fact black.


The cops need that stuff spider man shoots out of his wrists to glue up the knife wielding manic safely, and fire a few pillows at him before he hits the ground so he wonā€™t bruise.


The real heroes are those who change their avatars to black for a few months to signal something


I never defended anyone. My point of view is that itā€™s not a race issue but thatā€™s what it will become which is just wrong.

The poster @thedancingbaby posted above has the tagline that heā€™s not a criminal. Is everyone forgetting that he beat up a defenceless shopkeeper at the start of this? I attempted to post facts to diffuse the bullshit but it turns out that facts donā€™t matter in scenarios like this.


Mate, its possible to say that his behaviour was wrong and disgusting but also say it was some fuck up that he was killed


Thatā€™s the thingā€¦ Theyā€™re the ones being racistā€¦I donā€™t see skin colour there, just a dangerous lunatic putting peopleā€™s lives in danger.


Perhaps he feared for his life