Gardai acting quite aggressively

You said the fact he had attacked someone and ran away from the Gardai was irrelevant to a discussion about him. Thatā€™s pretty much defending him in most peopleā€™s views to be fair

If their lives are threatened that is the case yes. Do you think they should have to take a few thrusts of a knife first and then re assess?

Well what went wrong with the taze gun

Why no.pepper spray


Does anyone know if he wore a mask when he bate the shopkeeper? If he didnā€™t he might turn heal for the virtue signallers on twitter. Super spreader and all that

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And if itā€™s blamed solely on the cops will we create a scenario where they are reluctant to stop a crazed lunatic and endanger lives by having a weak police force?

You thought he was wumming ffs. This is the Irish left terrified their moment of shared victimhood might be taken from them with facts.

Go ahead. Find a quote.

You can read canā€™t you?

Iā€™ve a lot of time for you Laz but trying to put words in my mouth is a low.

Iā€™ve no idea what Gardai are trained on. Youā€™ll have to ask one of the other experts

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He had ample opportunity to give himself up, as all eye witness accounts suggest.

There comes a point where lethal force is needed in situations. We are lucky that unarmed police officers did not try to apprehend him or we could have a seriously injured or worse Guard tonight.


But there is

Probably nothing went wrong but depending where it hits it might not have worked. You seem to suggest he was just standing there while they tossed a coin as to what option to try next.

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Youre a fool who wouldnā€™t last pissing time in the real world. Of course they are trained, you fool. They tried less lethal, you fool, and unfortunately it didnā€™t work, you fool. And then, you fool, they had to shoot him in self defence.


The dog went nuts at a cat in the back garden this morning. I was able to distract her when I offered her a bakers sizzler


Agree with that.

Ah yes, I remember this about you. The ignorance when youā€™re show up and proven wrong.

The next response usually accuses the other person of being drink or another pointless accusation. Carry on

Nope. My original and only point was that 15 gardai should have been able to control the situation better

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Iā€™d say the best way to avoid being shot at is not to go chasing after 15 armed gardai with a knife swinging it and trying to hit them whilst they are arresting you, having already pepper sprayed and tasered.

Itā€™s a radical idea, I know, but one day it might save you too from being shot


If you were a guard and a guy was coming at you with a knife, which would you prefer to have in your hand, a Barton or a gunā€¦ I know Iā€™d pick the gun every time.


Uniformed Gardai felt threatened, called for armed support because they donā€™t carry fire arms(which rubbishes your point anyway) ERU arrived went through every possible solution to defuse the situation up until the point where the man was violently lashing at them point blank with a knifeā€¦ if you wouldnā€™t feel threatened by that you are either a liar or an idiot or both.

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