Gardai acting quite aggressively

The topic at hand is use of lethal force.

That he attacked someone previously is not relevant to the decision at hand, itā€™s past. The decision at hand is whether he can only be stopped from harming someone by use of lethal force in that instant. So yes, the previous act is irrelevant. Running away? How is that a factor in favour of killing him? So yeah, both are irrelevant. Rethink your list, itā€™s stupid.

You fucking racist!

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protests in limerick organised tomorrow now too

Will be interesting to see if this becomes politicised at some point

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Layabouts are some men to organise a protest.,


But you have no suggestions as to how they could have controlled it better other than

Shoot him in the leg - nonsense

Use tranquilizers - nonsensical fantasy

Taze him - you ignore they did and it didnā€™t work

Pepper spray - generally useless

So every suggestion you made is wrong, but you still think they should have ā€˜done betterā€™ thats straight from the gubmint r doin nuhin mindset Iā€™m afraid

You love defending the dregs of society you absolutely adore it. I hope if ever your house in broken into with your family inside by armed scum you keep those same principles.

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Youā€™re neglecting the most fatal pointā€¦ lunging at the guards with a knife after multiple attempts to dissuade him.

My mateā€™s a Garda. Has arrested guys with knives on a number of occasions.

But the internet dirty Harryā€™s think 15 GardaĆ­ had no option but to shoot a guy because he had a knife.

Stupid, stupid, stupid fuckers.

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It already has. Professional agitators like Murphy and Coppinger at it.

Letā€™s say youā€™re on a night out and you spot a lad who decks a mate of yours and kicks 7 shades of shit out of him.

10 seconds later heā€™s making a run at you. Given the fact heā€™s kicked your mate half to death and thatā€™s in the past, do you just assume heā€™s running up to you to offer to buy you a drink or give you a hug? Or do you prepare to defend yourself and to get into a fight? And do you completely ignore what youā€™ve just seen earlier from your decision making process?

Oh, and before he gets to you, do you do a quick check to make sure he doesnā€™t have mental health issues?

You do in your fuck


You seem to be the Internet Dirty Harry here tbf.


A lot more people would be killed by the police if that was the case

I just posted three videos of guys doing that and police disarming and arresting them.

15 GardaĆ­ had no option but to shoot him dead?

Sorry, but fuck off.

Racism may or may not have had something to do with it, either way it was unnecessary.

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Do you shoot him dead if there are 15 of you?

Answer my question first please

Presumably they injured him with the first shots, then walked over and saw he was still alive, so finished him with one to the head to start the cover up

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Best call Inspector Gadget ā€¦

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Ah second guessing yourself now are we?? What a fucking joke you are.