Gardai acting quite aggressively

So there just happened to be 15 cops there that were all racistsā€¦
Would ya go and Fuckā€¦they stunned him, didnā€™t workā€¦ Cunt had a knife on him. He attacked the guards and he got what he deservedā€¦


I thought Kev had left this place.
Did your mate ever disarm and arrest a lad who walked through pepper spray and tasers while wielding a machete?
Is this your buddy?

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When is Michael Ds term up? We need to persuade the Don to run

Thats exactly it.

Time will.tell.i guess

If these cunts go protesting tomorrow in l5 lockdown they should all be arest9ā€¦ Iā€™m all for rubber bullets and tear gas tomorrow when they have time to prepareā€¦ Or maybe a few farmers with slurry tanks

It sickens me @bill has to read this liberal, far left lunacy. Why would you even bother?


Maybeā€¦ But not every situation is the same. Itā€™s sad he had to die given his circumstances but we donā€™t have a history of shooting people in this country and it appears multiple other steps were taken to dissuade him but they all failedā€¦ Shooting is always a last resort so we can only trust thatā€™s exactly where they were at here. The ERU are a very well trained team that donā€™t shoot unless they feel they really have to.


Within the protesters 5km I hope.

Youā€™re a fool.

You need to watch that video

That will cool the flames alright

Thereā€™s no flamesā€¦ But these cunts will start a fireā€¦ And it will burn

I had to do a job on a neighbours septic tank earlier. I havenā€™t had a chance to dispose of it ā€˜safelyā€™.

Be a great opportunity.

Fuck sake lads. Nothin happenin here all day. Now ye decide to crank it up a notch. Inconsiderate cunts the lot of ye

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Thereā€™s some very sensible and reasoned posts by @Thomas_Brady and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy caught up in all this mess.

Iā€™d love to have the opportunity to discuss this with them in person around a table with some whiskey and cigars.


Ah nobody cares about them irrelevant eejits. Meant moreso FG/SF

Iā€™m trying to follow your logic not to put words in your mouth. You set up the timeframe of events like it was the victims fault but it was clear from your own post that the guards were at fault on many levels. Its hardly good enough to ask either how would you or I react when we donā€™t have anything like their training.

Anyway I love you @Mac, you are a league above the types crawling over themselves to like your confusing posts tonight

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They are very influential.

Where did I say racism had anything to do with his death?

You can read canā€™t you?

Find it for me, quote the post there.

So what level of a knife wound to one of those 15 Gardai do you consider acceptable before they opened fire? A nick? A gash? A laceration? A puncture to a vital organ or major artery?