Gardai acting quite aggressively

Should aul acquaintance be forgotā€¦

Oh sorry lads, bit early there


Ah, the @caoimhaoin method of trying to win an argument. God how I missed it

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Ok, Iā€™ll finish with this

Is there fault on the Gardai side for not being able to resolve this without having to resort to the ARU using proper shots on him which ultimately ended up in someone dying - Yes

Is there fault on the victims side for provoking Gardai, beating up an innocent shopkeeper and resisting arrest - Yes

Is this a race issue - No

Okey dokey, weā€™ll leave it there so.


Everyone here knows exactly what your way of thinking on this is, you are just too cowardly to say it. Hardly surprising.

I found myself falling over to nod in agreement there

@glenshane, this is all your fault, you nordie bollox.

Thatā€™s a much more reasonable post than your earlier shite.

Clearly 15 GardaĆ­ should have been able to subdue one man with a knife without shooting him dead.

Fault on the victims side? Yes (but nothing that merited death, obviously).

What evidence do you have for your last statement may I ask? None at all. Jury out there.

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I have a real story from a friend of mine who is a garda. He was called to house where a man was have serious violent mental issues. In the course of it he had to pepper spray this man who unfortunately suffered a heart attack afterwards. My friend worked CPR on this man for 30 minutes while waiting medical assistance and here we have this lad making up stories to prove his ridiculous point on the internet.

Happy to leave it there with this appendum

Regardless or race or color he didnā€™t deserve to die like that, Iā€™m sure all right thinking ppl feel the same

I speak accurately and say exactly what I mean.

You can read right? Quote where I said any of the things you say I said.

Youā€™ve made them up.

Try to read properly and respond to what I posted next time, instead of what you made up.

Ok. We can close it on that fair point


Havenā€™t been following mike. What did I do now?

Eddie Brennan is teaching in Templemore so it could have been a race issue in fairness

I rode a female garda years ago. The force was deadly in her so it was

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It will be interesting to see all the fuckwits row back from their screaming that 15 GardaĆ­ couldnā€™t possibly subdue a man with a knife without shooting him dead.

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You should be ashamed of yourself.


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Repeating yourself ad nauseam wont change a thing here, your way of (warped) thinking is clear for all to see. You will have another crusade to weep about next week no doubt, probably upset at a paedo or rapist getting a doing inside a prison cell oh but only if heā€™s black or a traveller because itā€™s you after all.

A pity they hadnā€™t you there to sort it out.


Iā€™m just glad we could all come to an amicable understanding here tonight. Things were looking hairy there for a while


He could have brought flowers and wished him Happy new year.