Gardai acting quite aggressively

If you think it’s legitimate for 15 Gardaí to shoot a man dead because he had a knife, you’re an idiot.

I’ve said the same all along. But if he was going to continue to resist then more force is going to come.

All we’ll see and hear about for the next week’s are how Gardai are no better than US police and that we’re murdering people because of skin colour. This irks me a lot as it removes all blame from the victim who I’ve already said is at fault.

And in the US some of the victims were completely innocent or even mistaken identities. Noone deserves to die in these scenarios but they’re not the same. All these protests are going to be painful to watch and will just ignore a whole chunk of actual facts which annoys me.


All fifteen of them shot him now did they?? Wow.

But that’s not the full story is it?

That’s not why they shot him you absolute gobdaw. They shot him because he was charging at them trying to kill them.
We really need to get you into the field.

To show them all how it’s done.

I just posted three videos of guys doing the same thing and police in the UK subdued them.

You think it’s impossible for 15 Gardaí to subdue one person with a knife without shooting him dead?

If you do, you’re an idiot.

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Wait until there is more detail before claiming anything. Emotions are obviously high so close after the fact.


Slashing at a Garda with a knife merits a hug apparently

Gardai’s last resort should be to shoot someone dead. It shouldn’t be instinct.

Give it time. Let the facts emerge.

Videos of different scenarios. This guy ran through tasers and pepper spray slashing with a machete at the Gardai.
You’re an awful ape really.

It obviously isn’t. Almost nobody ever gets shot dead by Gardai

Someone posted a picture of the alleged guard who took the shots on twitter. Disgusting carry on. I reported it anyway. But what kind of cunts are bred in this country

Since time immemorial consequences befall even the slightest of ones decisions. Decide to go on knife welding ramage? Be prepared to suffer the consequences. Deserves ain’t got nothing got to do with it.

Exactly. Why 4 bullets for someone wielding a knife?

The facts will emerge. This guy isnt the most dangerous criminal they would have faced.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Wait. Bang

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I said that about 50 odd posts up. Spurious posts on on social media is what’s driving lads to make premature judgements here.
It just goes to show how judgemental as a society we’ve become.

Two completely contradictory statements one after another.

Immediate information. Immediate judgement. Both sides. Either side.

Its fucking mental

Where? What’s contradictory son?

You were leaning towards the victims side tho